Mandatory Disclosure 2025-26 NIRF-2025 Data for Innovation NIRF-2025 Data for Engineering Colleges NIRF-2025 Data for Overall Mandatory Disclosure 2024-25

PLACEMENTS - Amazon - 5 , Accenture - 70 , TCS - 100 , Infosys - 48 , Bosch - 4 , Hexaware - 84 , Tech Mahindra - 8 , Capgemini - 40 , Cisco - 2 , Cognizant - 43 , IBM - 6 , Wipro - 90 , Virtusa - 80 , Mindtree , NTT Data , Inveniolsi , Hyundai - 6 , Deloitte , PWC , Tvarana , HCL , Techigai , Apps Associates , Aptroid , Pennant , Veda , ZenQ , Infolabs , KPIT Many More.....

Research & Development

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Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology


Department of EEE is focusing more on Research activities and need based technology. Accordingly an independent Projects, R&D lab has been established to promote and monitor the research activities of the department. This lab has well furnished equipment that are useful for students to carry out their project works and innovations.

To promote research activities among students and faculty as well as to provide a platform for sharing and implementing innovative and creative ideas to facilitate exchange of information and interaction among the students to develop skilled manpower in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

System Configuration

Name of Equipment Utilization
PLC trainer To promote industry oriented training and to demonstrate practical working of modules like Water level controller, Traffic light controller, Elevator, Staircase lights, Conveyer belt, DOL starter, star delta starter and to construct Logic gates.
Ceiling fan Winding Machine To demonstrate and train students on winding of ceiling fans.
30Amp Rectifier unit To facilitate DC power supply.
8 Computers with internet For simulation based projects and to access the internet for adequate information.
Printer To facilitate printability of required documents.
8051 Microcontroller Kit To give an idea to the students’ on working with 8051 microcontroller.
Universal Bread Board Trainers To facilitate implementation of electronic circuits.
DC shunt motor with brake drum To demonstrate, working of DC drive and speed control of DC motor with control techniques.

R & D Activities

Date Title Body
2017-11-06 1-Week FDP on EPSEM Faculty of EEE participated in 1-Week FDP electrical power systems with emphasis on MATLab which is useful for on going research in power systems and their allied areas.
2017-09-15 Single axis solar tracking Using micro controller Students of III year designed project to track the solar power for intensifying the power generation by using micro controller.
2017-09-15 Power generation at speed breakers Using piezoelectric effect Students of III year designed an equipment which is used to generate power with the help of Piezo Electric effect in speed breakers which is utilized at all the busy roads centers.
2017-09-15 Implementation of Gesture based motor direction control Students of III year designed a robot which is moving according to the gestures given by the user for automation applications.


The department R&D cell aims to nurture research in the department. It encourages students and faculty to undertake the research in emerging trends in mechanical engineering. The staff and students of the department got international recognition by publishing their research papers in well reputed journals which are published by Springer, Elsevier and Taylor and Francis etc. The department has various R&D equipments like Ultra Sonicator, semi production Computer Numerical Control vertical milling machine, Computer assisted Universal Testing machine, Talisurf for surface roughness measurement, work stations and licensed Design Softwares like CATIA and ANSYS. The lab consists of various models like 3D- printer and Thermal conductivity measuring apparatus which were prepared by our students.

System Configuration

Name of Hardware Configuration
Workstation HP Z23338T/Z240 TWR WORKSTATIONS (10)
PROCESSOR Intel Core 17 6700 (3.5 GHz, 8MB Cache, 4Core)
CHIPSET Intel C236

R & D Softwares

Name of Equipment Specifications
Ultra Sonicator Ultra Sonic Power 1000 wats, Frequency 20 KHZ
Furnace Input voltage-230V AC, Outer body MS powder coated, 350mm*350mm*70mm(l*w*h) approx
CNC Milling machine Siemens 808D controller SPM 250 Model
Computer assisted UTM FSA make computerized Universal Testing Machine Maximum Load-600KN Model: TUE-C-600 with shear test attachment software interface and standard accessories
Talisurf Surf test-SJ-210-series178 portable surface roughness test


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Lendi focused on a wide variety of subjects like the next generation Embedded and IOT Systems, VLSI, Signal and Image Processing and Antenna Engineering concepts that will revolutionize and how Electronics and Communication plays a major role in the societal development.

With our department's strong multi domain research tradition, our faculty and students continues to earn international recognition through reputed Journals and conferences like IEEE, Springer and Elsevier Publications. Our current strengths include Embedded Electronics, Development of IOT modules, Communications and Digital Signal Processing Applications, as well as VLSI.

System Configuration

Hardware / Type Configuration
CPU HP Elite 7100MT
Processor i3 Processor
Motherboard Intel H57 CHipset
Hard Disk 500 GB
Monitor 18.5" TFT

R & D Softwares

Name of Software Research Area
Cadence PSPICE 16.0 Circuit Simulation
Mentor Graphics-HEP1,HEP2 Analog VLSI
QualNet Network Simulation
MATLAB- Simulink Communication & Signal Processing
Xilinx ISE system edition 12.1i-CHIPSCOPE Pro Digital VLSI
Raspberry PI & Arduino Embedded & IoT

R & D Activities

Date Title Body
2017-08-07 Key Note On “Aspects of VLSI Design using EDA Tools” Sri.K.Ramesh Naidu, Sr.Manager from Core EL Tech delivered recent trends on Aspects of VLSI design using EDA Tools.
2016-08-13 6-Days FDP on Practical RF Antenna Design Different Experts from NIT Warangal and Eminent Scientists from DRDO, DLRL and RCI Hyderabad discussed present research problems on antenna related defense projects.
2013-12-27 5-Day Workshop on NS2 Faculty of ECE participated in 5-Day workshop in designing network protocols through simulator tool NS2 in the area of Computer Networks.


Department of CSE created very good research environment and excellent lab facilities for doing research on par with IT industry. Some of the software's like Qualnet 7.4 are purchased with license and used for research in networks according to their faculty interest and their specializations. Using this software, faculty and students are very keen to develop their academic research by participating in different activities.

System Configuration

Hardware / Type Configuration
CPU HP Elite 7100MT
Processor i3 Processor
Motherboard Intel H57 CHipset
Hard Disk 500 GB
Monitor 18.5" TFT

R & D Softwares

Name of Software Research Area

R & D Activities

Date Title Body
2018-02-07 1- Day Workshop on QualNet Prof. Pallam Shetty from Andhra University presented a guest lecture on Internet Of Things for smart devices.
2018-01-29 1- Week FDP on Hadoop Workshop Faculty of CSE participated in Hands on programming on "Hadoop Hortonworks" conducted by ICT Academy on a part of transforming technical education.
2016-06-16 1- Week FDP on Analytics with R Multiple resource persons from NIT, Warangal in association with Lendi CSE organised workshop on Data Analytics through Hadoop, Tableau, MongoDB and R.
2013-12-27 5-Day Workshop on NS2 Faculty of CSE participated in 5-Day workshop in designing network protocols through simulator tool NS2 in the area of Computer Networks.