International & National Seminars and Workshops Attended
1. Participated and successfully completed the online workshop on Universal Human Values on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” during 25-29 April, 2020 as organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE).
2. participated in an FDP on "Outcome Based Education system", organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, from May 27th to 30tth, 2020.
3. Participated in one day National webinar on “Role of Teachers to Ameliorate the psychological impact of covid-19 on student community” held on 6th June 2020 conducted by Department of Chemistry,Physics and Mathematics, organized by Government Degree College, Ramachandrapuram, East Godavari Dst, AP on 06th June, 2020.
4. Attended 7-day International Faculty development program on "Mathematical Modelling in Multidisciplinary Domain", organized by Department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Satyamangalam, TamilNadu from 01-06-2020 to 07-06-2020.
5. Particiapted in National Webinar- One Day Faculty Development Programme on “Beauty and Ingenuity of Basic Concepts in Algebra”organised by Department of Mathematics, Government College Autonomous, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA through Google Meet on 04 June 2020.
6. participated in tw0-day National Level FDP on "Techniques and Applications in Teaching in Engineering Mathematics" held on 10-06-2020, 11-06-2020, organized by K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy.
7. Participated and got through Test in One Week (Online) Faculty Development Programme on LaTeX & Technical Report Writing, 25 - 30 May, 2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana, in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay.
8. Participated in a two-day National Seminar on "Applications of Mathematics in Real Life(AMSIR) ” organized by the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics & IQAC, St. Joseph’s College for Women(A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh in association with UASMS & SMSMS on 15th & 16th June 2020.
9. Participated in a two-day webinar on "Recent Advances in Mathematics & Covid-19” organized by the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics & IQAC, St. Joseph’s College for Women(A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh in association with UASMS & SMSMS on 15th & 16th June 2020.
10. Participated in one-day webinar on "How to create course and course activities in Open source Online Learning", organized by the Department of Mathematics, The Hindu College, Guntur on 14th June-2020.
Participated in a Webinar on "Recent Developments in Mathematics and its Applications" organized by GITAM Institute of Sciences in collaboration with Uttarandhra Society for Mathematical Sciences (UASMS) and Prof. S. Minakshi Sundaram Memorial Society (SMSMS) on 20th June, 2020
11. Participated in an International Webinar on "Laplace Transform and its Applications" organized by the Department of H&S (Engineering Mathematics), Mallareddy Institute of Technology and Science, Secunderabad on 22nd June, 2020
12. Participated in the webinar organized by the Faculty of Science, Annamalai University in collaboration with ELSEVIER on “Basic Author Workshop Research Article Writing & Reference Management Using Mendeley” on Monday, 22nd June 2020.
13. Participated in Online National Webinar on "Mathematical Applications on Differential Equations", organized by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in collaboration with IQAC, Mrs. A. V. N. College, Visakhapatnam during 13-14June-2020.
14. Participated in National Webinar on "Differential Equations and Applications", organized by the Department of H&S (Engineering Mathematics), Mallareddy Institute of Technology and Science, Secunderabad on 28th June, 2020
15. Participated in the One day Webinar on "Linear Algebra and its Applications", organized by the Department of Mathematics, Osmania College, Kurnool on 25th June, 2020
16. Participated in the two-day International Webinar on "Analytical Approach of Mathematics and its Allied Areas" organized by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in collaboration with IQAC, Mrs. A. V. N. College, Visakhapatnam during 03-04 July-2020.
17. Participated in the one-day webinar on "Blended Learning and Mathematical Relevance to Real World Applications on July 5th, 2020 organized by the Department of Mathematics in collaboration with IQAC, Anwarul Uloom College, Malleypalli, Hyderabad.
18. Participated in the one-week online FDP on “Being a Super Teacher” from July 6 to July 12, 2020, organized by BANNARI AMMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES
19. Participated in FDP on "Analytics with R" conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, in association with NIT, Warangal
20. Participated in a one-day national workshop on "New Paradigms of Mathematical Modelling and its Applications to Engineering & Technology, on 27th March, 2014at JNTUK University College of Engineering, Vizianagaram.
21. Participated in a two-day workshop (WOMTECH-2012) on “Mathematical Techniques and Their Applications to Engineering Problems” organized by M.V.G.R.College of Engineering, Vizianagaram during 25-26 May, 2012.
22. Participated in a two-day workshop (WOMTECH-2008) on “Mathematical Techniques and Their Applications to Engineering and PhysicalProblems” organized by M.V.G.R.College of Engineering, Vizianagaram during 23-24 May, 2008.
23. Participated in a National workshop on Content Development for Research Publications and Teaching with Emotional Intelligence:Stategies and Approaches” organized by “Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology on 21st March 2009.
International Journals
1.A fixed point theorem of generalized weakly contractive maps in orbitally complete metric spaces, (jointly with G. V. R. Babu) Thai J. Math., 9 (1), (2011), 1 – 10.
ISSN: 1686-0209 (online).
2. Common fixed points of Ciric type weak contractions in cone metric spaces, (jointly with G. V. R. Babu) , Thai J. Math., Volume 10 (2012) (3), 517–533.
ISSN: 1686-0209 (online).
3. Fixed point results on ordered metric spaces via generalized altering distance function in four variables, (jointly with G. V. R. Babu) , Journal of Advanced research in Pure Mathematics, Volume 5 (2013) (1), 143-158. ISSN: 1943-2380 (online).
4. Existence of common fixed points of generalized almost weakly contractive maps, (jointly with G. V. R. Babu), Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 16 (2013), No.1, 71-86. ISSN: 1598-7264, ISBN: 89-87809-15-3.
5. Coupled fixed points of contraction maps with a rational expression in partially ordered metric spaces, (jointly with G. V. R. Babu and P. Subhashini), Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 23 (3), 2013, 375-393. ISSN: 1229-3067.
6. A fixed point theorem in orbitally complete partially ordered metric spaces, (jointly with G. V. R. Babu and K. T. Kidane), Journal of Operators, 2013, Article ID: 404573, 8 pages. ISSN: 2314-5064 (print), 2314-5072 (online).
7. Coupled Fixed Point Theorems with New Implicit Relations and an Application, Journal of Operators, Volume 2014, Article ID 389646, 16 pages
8. Common Fixed Points of (?, ?, ?) - Almost Generalized Weakly Contractive Maps in S-metric spaces, Communications in Nonlinear Analysis 7(1) (2019), 17–35.
9. Strong Coupled Fixed Points of Chatterjea Type (?, ?)-Weakly Cyclic Coupled Mappings In S-Metric Spaces, Proceedings of International Mathematical Sciences, Volume I Issue 1 (2019), Pages 1-10.
10. Fixed points of almost generalized weakly contractive maps with rational expressions in S-metric spaces, Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. 8, No. 2, 593-601, 2020.
11. Common fixed points via Ck-class functions in S-metric spaces, Journal of Fixed Point Theory, 2020 (1) (2020), 22 pages.
12. Strong coupled fixed points of Chatterjea type ( ; ')-weakly cyclic coupled mappings in S-metric spaces, Proceedings of International Mathematical Sciences, II (1) (2020), 60-78.
13. Fixed points of almost generalized Zs-contractions with rational expressions in S-metric spaces, Journal of Mathematical and Computational science, 11 (1) (2021), 914-937.
National Journals
1. Commom fixed points of (psi, phi) - weak quasi contractions with property (E. A), (jointly with G. V. R. Babu) Int. J. Math. Sci. Comp., 1 (2), (2011), 29 - 37.
ISSN: 2231-5330.
2. Existence of Coupled Fixed Points by using Generalized Altering Distance Functions in Four Variables under F - Invariant Set, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (ISSN: 2231-5330), VOL. 4, NO. 2, 2014
National Conferences
1. Presented a paper entitled “Fixed points in T-orbitally partially ordered metric spaces” in the ‘National Seminar on Advances in Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization’ organized by School of Studies in Mathematics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, during 15th, 16th & 17th February 2014.
2. Presented a paper entitled “Coupled coincidence and coupled common fixed point theorems for compatible mappings in partially ordered metric spaces via an ICS mapping” in the ‘National Seminar on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its allied areas’ organized by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, M.R.College (A), Vizianagaram during 27th & 28th December 2012.
3. Presented a paper in the Andhra Pradesh Science Congress – 2011, organized by GITAM University during 14-16 November 2011.
4. Presented a paper entitled “A generalization of Ciric and Nesic fixed point theorems on asymptotically regular maps” in ‘NSMTAM-2010’ organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics, Andhra University during 9th - 10th October 2010.
5. Presented a paper entitled “Fixed point theorems of weakly contractive maps in T-orbitally complete metric spaces” in the ‘National conference on Mathematical using Soft Computing for Problems in Science and Technology’ organized by Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mrs. A.V.N.College, Visakhapatnam during 11th - 13th December 2009.
6. Attended a National Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematics and Applications, conducted by the Department of Mathematics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam from 26-28 Nov. 2007.
International Conferences
1. Presented a paper entitled STRONG COUPLED FIXED POINTS OF CHATTERJEA TYPE (? ??)?WEAKLY CYCLIC COUPLED MAPPINGS IN S-METRIC SPACES in the International e-Conference on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications to Real-World Problems organized by Department of Mathematics, Government Post Graduate College Maldevta, Raipur (Dehradun) Uttarakhand, India held on June 27, 2020.
List of Memberships
List of Projects
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