Mandatory Disclosure 2025-26 NIRF-2025 Data for Innovation NIRF-2025 Data for Engineering Colleges NIRF-2025 Data for Overall Mandatory Disclosure 2024-25

PLACEMENTS - Amazon - 5 , Accenture - 70 , TCS - 100 , Infosys - 48 , Bosch - 4 , Hexaware - 84 , Tech Mahindra - 8 , Capgemini - 40 , Cisco - 2 , Cognizant - 43 , IBM - 6 , Wipro - 90 , Virtusa - 80 , Mindtree , NTT Data , Inveniolsi , Hyundai - 6 , Deloitte , PWC , Tvarana , HCL , Techigai , Apps Associates , Aptroid , Pennant , Veda , ZenQ , Infolabs , KPIT Many More.....

Dr Satish  Pujari

Dr Satish Pujari

Head of the Department, MECH

14 Years


Composite Materials, Bio-Medical Engineering and Tribology

Seminars & Workshops

International & National Seminars and Workshops Attended


  1. Convener for a Six-Day Short Term Training Programme on Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing, conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Lendi Institute of Engineering and technology sponsored by AICTE, Delhi during the period of 2nd to 7th of March 2020.
  2. Convener for the 1st International conference on Latest innovations in Materials Engineering and technology (ICLIET-2018) conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Lendi Institute of Engineering and technology with the collaboration of SPRINGER during the period of 15th and 16th of June 2018.


  1. Attended a 1-Week online Faculty development program on MATLAB Programming for Simulation and Design” organized by NITTTR, Chennai, period 9th to 13th Aug, 2021.
  2. Attended a 1-Week online Faculty development program on Computer Integrated Manufacturing” organized by NITTTR, Chennai, period 2nd to 6th Aug, 2021.
  3. Attended a Two- Week  FDP on “Strategic Methods and Tools for Product Development” organized by SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram on 22nd to 26th Feb 2021(Phase-I) and 22nd to 26th March 2021(Phase-II).
  4. Attended a 1-Day Online Webinar on W1- Vision, Mission and PEOs for Technical Institutions organized by NITTTR, Bhopal on 7th July, 2020.
  5. Attended a 3-Day Online Faculty Development Program on Advances in Mechatronics – A lab perspective organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology in association with Dynalog India during the period 25th to 27th June, 2020.
  6. Attended a 1-Day online Webinar program on Metal Additive Manufacturing organized by Vivekananda Institute of Technology and Science on 12th June, 2020.
  7. Attended a 3-Day online Faculty development program on Mechanical Behavior of Bio & Composite Materials organized by Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering on 11th to 13th June, 2020.
  8. Attended a 5-Day online Faculty development program on Automotive Interior Design organized by APSSDC during the period 8th to 12th June, 2020.
  9. Attended a 1-Week online Faculty development program on Advanced NDT Techniques & Applications in Industry organized by Indian Society for Non Destructive Testing, Hyderabad during the period 25th to 29th May, 2020.
  10. Attended a 3-Day online Faculty development program on Advanced Material Characterization Techniques at Lendi Institute of Engineering and Techniques during the period 28th to 30th May, 2020.
  11. Attended a 3-Day online Faculty development program on Outcome Based Education System at Lendi Institute of Engineering and Techniques during the period 21st to 23rd May, 2020.
  12. Attended a 1-Week online Faculty development program on Research Methodology and Intellectual Property Right organized by NITTTR, Kolkata, period 18th to 22nd May, 2020.
  13. Attended a 1-Day online Webinar on Cyber Security - Knowledge Sharing & Road Mapping Careers organized by Storm Overseas on 16th May, 2020.
  14. Attended a 1-Day online Faculty Development Programme on Outcome Based Education Software organized by VMEDULIFE software services on 14th May, 2020.
  15. Attended a 3-Day Online Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends in Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology on 13th May, 2020.
  16. Attended a 1-Day Online Webinar on 3D printing Applications in Fighting with COVID-19, organized by Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology, Chennai on 9th May, 2020.
  17. Attended a 1-Day Online Webinar on University Industry linkage- Different Mechanisms organized by Audi Sankara College of Engineering and Technology on 2nd May, 2020.
  18. Attended a 1-Day Online Webinar on Employability Skills in Curriculum Design organized by Audi Sankara College of Engineering and Technology on 26th April, 2020.
  19. Attended a One week Faculty Improvement program on Digital Driven Design and Manufacturing on the 3dx Platform conducted by Andhrapradesh State Skill development Corporation (APSSDC) at Lakireddy Bali reddy college of engineering during the period 2nd to 6th July, 2018.
  20. Participated in one day work shop in AUTODESK- FUSION 360 conducted by Chirala Engineering College held on 27th July 2017 supported by AUTODESK.
  21. Participated in one day national work shop on “ A Review on Heat Transfer ” conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andhra University on 30th June 2017.
  22. Attended a Two week Faculty Development programme on “Fault Diagnosis, Condition Monitoring and Structural Dynamic Analysis”, funded by AICTE, phase-II during 6th Nov to 19th Nov 2017, organized by department of Mechanical Engineering, AITAM, Tekkali.
  23. Participated in Two day National workshop on “Advanced & Nano Materials and Thermal Barrier Coatings for Transport and Energy applications (AVMTTEA-2017)” held on 27th & 28th January 2017 supported by TEQIP Phase-II at Andhra University. 
  24. Attended a One week Faculty Development programme on “Research Potential and Scope in Mechanical Engineering (RPSME-2016)”, under TEQIP, phase-II during 27th sep to 2nd Oct 2016, organized by department of Mechanical Engineering, AITAM, Tekkali.
  25. Participated in three days work shop on “Quality Initiatives in Outcome Based Technical Education” organized by IEEE in Matrusri Engineering college, Hyderabad during 1st – 3rd September 2016. 
  26. Participated in the HOD& Faculty orientation program conducted by JNTUK Centre of Excellence for e-Resource Development & Deployment (CoEeRD) and Globarena Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Held at Sankethika Institute of Tech& Management on 25th Aug 2014
  27. Attended a Two day National Workshop on “Advances in Manufacturing Processes” held at JNTUK College of Engineering, VZM on 1st March 2014.
  28. Attended a One day National Workshop on “Challenges in Structural Design, Dynamics and Testing: Indian Perspective in the Global Scenario” held at AU College of Engineering, Andhra University on 31st Jan 2014.
  29. Attended a One day National Workshop on “Finite Element Analysis, Quality & Reliability” held at AU College of Engineering, Andhra University on 16th Dec 2013.
  30. Attended a Two week AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Tool Design and Manufacturing” held at Visvodaya Institute of Technology & Science, Kavali on 12th -25th Sep 2013.
  31. Attended a One week CNC training Programme Conducted by Empower Consultancy Pvt. Ltd, Chennai on 10th -16th Sep 2013.
  32. Attended a Two day National Conference on “Modern Trends in Mechanical Engineering” held at GIET, Orissa on 19th Feb 2012.
  33. Attended a Two day National Conference on “Advances in Mechanical Engineering” held at KITS, Huzurabad on 18th Feb 2012.
  34. Attended a Three day international “All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference” with the theme onGlobal trends and challenges in design and manufacturing”, held at Andhra University College of Engineering (A) during December 13-15, 2010.
  35. Attended a National Conference on “Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing” held at NIT Warangal on 18th Jan 2007.
  36. Attended a Two day National Workshop on “Finite Element Analysis and Applications in Engineering”, Ist & 2nd April 2006.
  37. Attended a National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering”, held at GMRIT on 16-17th Mar 2002.

International Journals

  1. Sivarao Subramonian, Satish Pujari, “Effects of Sugar Cane Bagasse Fibers On the Mechanical Behavior of High Density Polyethylene”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Web of Science and Scopus Indexed Journal
  2. Sivarao Subramonian, Satish Pujari, “Artificial Neural Network Predictive Modelling of Laser Micro- Grooving for Titanium (CP Ti) Grade 2”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Web of Science and Scopus Indexed Journal with ISSN: 1823-5514.
  3. Surakasi Raviteja, Pujari Satish, Y.R.K Prasanna, V.V. Prasanna Kumar “Performance Evaluation of Sunflower Oil Biodiesel Before and After Transesterification” Springer Publishers
  4. Y.R.K Prasanna, Satish Pujari, Surakasi Raviteja, V.V. Prasanna Kumar “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Using CFD” Springer Publishers.
  5. Appanna Duvvarapu, Satish Pujari, Ch.Sekhar, Srinivasa Reddy P, Srikar J.S.S “Fabrication and Experimental Analysis of Helical Tube Heat Exchanger in Comparison with Plate Heat Exchanger”, Springer Publishers
  6. Chinta Rajeev Durga Sai, Satish Pujari, B. Sreenivasulu, Ajit Burra, “CFD Analysis of a Mixed Convection Heat Transfer Square Cavity with Hybrid Nano Fluids”, Springer Publishers
  7. Satish Pujari, M. Daniel Silas Kumar, Bhanu Prasanna A. S and Dilip Sham Prakash C. H, “Investigation on Behavioral Aspects of Pine Apple Leaf Fiber- Latex Composites used for Transformer Applications”,  Proceedia of Material Science, Scopus Indexed, Elsevier Publishers
  8. Zuhair Khalim, Sivarao Subramonian, Yusliza Yusoff, Satish Pujari, Sivakumar Dharma lingam and Mohd Amran Md Ali “Optimization and Prediction of Laser Micro-Grooving by Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Scopus Indexed Journal.
  9. Satish Pujari, S. Srikiran, “Experimental investigations on wear properties of Palm Kernal reinforced composites for brake pad applications”, Journal of Defence Technology, SCI Journal , Elsevier
  10. Satish Pujari, Ch. Polayya, I. Anil Kumar and Gnana Deepa, “An Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer from a Heat Sink with Circular pin-fins and Conical Spines Subjected to Natural Convection”, Recent Advances in Material Sciences, Scopus Indexed, Springer Publishers
  11. D. Srinivasa rao, Satish Pujari, S. Santosh Kumar“ Investigations on Mechanical Properties of Human Hair With Blast Furnace Slag Bio-Composites”, Recent Advances in Material Sciences, Scopus Indexed, Springer Publishers.
  12. Mandrumaka D.S Kumar, P. Jagadamba, S. Srikiran, Satish Pujari, “Mechanical Behavioral Aspects of Al-356 under the Influence of Boron Carbide and Magnesium”, Recent Advances in Material Sciences, Scopus Indexed, Springer Publishers.
  13. Satish Pujari, Talari Venkatesh and Hepsiba Seeli, “Investigations on Thermal Conductivities of Fenugreek and Banana Composites”, Journal of Institution of Engineers series-D, Scopus Indexed, Springer Publishers, June 2017.
  14. Satish Pujari, Talari Venkatesh and Mandrumaka D.S. Kumar, “Analysis of muscle moment and reaction force of elbow joint during flexion movement”, Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Scopus Indexed, Inderscience Publishers, Volume 22, Issue 4, pages 370-376, 2016.  
  15. Satish Pujari, A. Ramakrishna and K. T. Balaram Padal, “Prediction of Swelling Behavior of Jute and Banana fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites by Using ANN and Regression Analysis”, published in Proceedia of Material Science, Scopus Indexed, Elsevier Publishers
  16. Bhanu Prasanna, Ramji, Sanyasi raju and Satish Pujari, “Free vibration, Buckling and Design Optimisation of Composite Pressure Hulls”, published in Proceedia of Material Science, Scopus Indexed, Elsevier Publishers.
  17. Satish Pujari, A. Ramakrishna and K. T. Balaram Padal, “Comparison of ANN and Regression Analysis for Predicting the Water Absorption behavior of Jute and Banana Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites”, published in Proceedia of Material Science, Scopus Indexed and Elsevier Publishers.
  18. Satish Pujari, Avasarala Ramakrishna and Korabu Tulasi Balaram Padal, “Investigations on Thermal Conductivities of Jute and Banana Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites”, Journal of Institution of Engineers series-D, Scopus Indexed, Springer Publishers, Volume 102, Issue-8, pages 1-5, Jan 2016.
  19. Satish Pujari, A. Ramakrishna and K. T. Balaram Padal, “Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Jute and Banana fiber composites”, Journal of Agro alimentary processes and technologies, Scopus Indexed, Volume-21, Issue-4, pages 302-308, Oct 2015.
  20. Ch. Rohini Kumar, Satish Pujari, “Condition Monitoring and Dynamic Balancing of a Hot air Circulation Boiler by Vibration Tool”, International Journal of Engineering Researches and Technology, published by Thomson Reuters End Note , Scopus Indexed, Volume 5(3), March 2016.
  21. Satish Pujari, A. Ramakrishna, “Comparison of Jute and Banana Fiber Composites”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Scopus Indexed, Volume 3, Issue-5, pages 121-126, Feb 2014.
  22. A. Balakrishna, D. Nageswararao, J. Srinivas and P.Satish,Computer Aided Material Selection Processes in Concurrent Engineering using Neural Networks”, Journal of British Library in collaboration with Institution of Engineers India, SCI Journal, Vol 88, Oct 2007, pages 20-23.

National Journals

  1. Effect On Thermal Properties of Jute and Banana Fiber Composites”, National Seminar at JNTUK College of Engineering, (vzm) Conducted by Institution of Engineers on 24th Jan 2015.
  2. A Review on Jute and Banana Fiber Composites”, National Conference at Centurian University of Technology and management, Odisha, 17th March 2013.
  3. Surface Influence of Plant Fiber Reinforcement on the properties of the Polymer Composites”, National Conference at GIET, Orissa, 19thFeb 2012 Published in the Proceedings,
  4. Study of Plant Fiber Reinforcement and its surface influence on properties of polymer composites” National Conference at KITS, Huzurabad, 18th Feb 2012 Published in the Proceedings,
  5. Control of Exhaust (NOX) Emission in I.C Engines by EGR”, National seminar on GMRIT, Rajam 17th March 2002 published in the proceedings

National Conferences

  1.  "Investigation On Behavioural Aspects Of Pineapple Leaf Fiber-Latex Composities" , International (Abroad) Bits Pilani Dubai Campus22/11/2019.
  2. "An Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer from a Heat Sink with Circular pin-fins and Conical Spines Subjected to Natural Convection" International Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology 15/06/2018 16/06-2018
  3. "Mechanical Behavioral Aspects of Al-356 under the Influence of Boron Carbide and Magnesium" International Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology 15/06/2018 16/06-2018
  4. "Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Human hair with Blast furnace slag bio composites" International Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology15/06/2018 16/06-2018
  5. "Comparison 0of ANN and Regression Analysis for Predicting the water absorption behavior of Jute" International Gokaraju Gangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology 12/03/2016 13/03/2016
  6. "Free Vibration Buckling and Design Optimisation of Composite Pressure Hulls" International MLR Institute of Technology Hyderabad 07/07/2016 09/07/2016
  7. "Fabrication and Experimental Analysis of Helical Tube heat Exchanger in Comparison with Plate Heat exchanger International NIT Rourkela 12/02/2021 13/02/2021
  8. "Prediction of Swelling Behavior of Jute and Banana Fiber Composites by using ANN and Regression" International MLR Institute of Technology Hyderabad07/072016 09/07/2016
  9. "CFD Analysis of a Mixed Convection Heat Transfer square cavity with Hybrid Nanofluids" International NIT Puducherry 28/12/2020 30/12/2020
  10. "Modeling of square roughness for glass assisted CO2 for laser machined P-Type silicon Wafer"  International (Abroad) Universiti Teknologi Brunei 08/11/2021 10/11/2021
  11. Effect On Thermal Properties of Jute and Banana Fiber Composites”, National Seminar at JNTUK College of Engineering, (vzm) Conducted by Institution of Engineers on 24th Jan 2015.
  12. International Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad Comparison of Jute and Banana Fiber composites 09/01/2014 11/01/2014
  13.  A Review on Jute and Banana Fiber Composites”, National Conference at Centurian University of Technology and management, Odisha, 17th March 2013.
  14.  Surface Influence of Plant Fiber Reinforcement on the properties of the Polymer Composites”, National Conference at GIET, Orissa, 19thFeb 2012 Published in the Proceedings,
  15.  Study of Plant Fiber Reinforcement and its surface influence on properties of polymer composites” National Conference at KITS, Huzurabad, 18th Feb 2012 Published in the Proceedings,
  16.  Control of Exhaust (NOX) Emission in I.C Engines by EGR”, National seminar on GMRIT, Rajam 17th March 2002 published in the proceedings

International Conferences

  1.     Convener for the 1st International conference on Latest innovations in Materials Engineering and technology (ICLIET-2018) conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering at Lendi Institute of Engineering and technology with the collaboration of SPRINGER during the period of 15th and 16th of June 2018.

List of Memberships

  1. Fellow Member of International Society of Research and Development (UK) (Membership No.F-3140900681)
  2. Senior Member of the Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (USA) (Membership No.SNM-10100052080)
  3. Member of Institution of Engineers (India) (Membership No.M-1560748)
  4. Member of International association of Engineers (Hong-Kong) (Membership No-158160)
  5. Member of Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers (Hong-Kong) (Membership No- M 20180824001).

Publication of Books

  • Author for the Series of Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering with the  book title of Recent Advances in Material sciences, published by SPRINGER
Projects & Others

List of Projects

  1. Modeling, Analysis and Inspection of Pump jet propolsor for under water vehicle” Live Project done at Naval Science and Technological Laboratory, Visakhapatnam (During the period of 2005 Nov to 2006 Apr) for the M.E Dissertation work.
  2.  “Metallurgy and Material Testing Laboratory” sanctioned in MODROBS with a cost of 12, 37,255/- from AICTE in 2020.
  3.  “Development of Eco-friendly Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Material by Synthesizing Fe3O4 Nano particles and Natural Darbha Grass” project with a cost of 24 lakhs applied for AICTE funding in the month of Dec 2020.
  4. “Develop a Bio-Fuel From one of the crops that are grown or waste produced from harvest” project with a cost of 27 lakhs applied for DST funding. Temporary registration number of project is TPN/58614 in the month of Nov 2020.
  5.  “Development of Nano Fenugreek Reinforced Composite Materials for Thermal Insulation Application” project with a cost of 35lakhs applied for SERB funding. The file number of project is CRG/2019/002346 in the month of June 2019.
  6. Modeling, Analysis and Inspection of Pump jet propolsor for under water vehicle” Live Project done at Naval Science and Technological Laboratory, Visakhapatnam (During the period of 2005 Nov to 2006 Apr) for the M.E Dissertation work.

Other Infromation

Editor ships:

  • Editor for the Series of Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering with the  book title of Recent Advances in Material sciences, published by SPRINGER.

Technical Reviews:

  1. Reviewer for “Flax Fibers and Flax Fiber reinforced composites: An overview of water and moisture absorption impact on their performance”, Polymer Composites Journal published by WILEY
  2. Reviewer for the 1st International conference on Latest innovations in Materials Engineering and technology (ICLIET-2018), the conference proceedings are published by SPRINGER.
  3. Reviewer for Chemical Science International Journal published by Science Domain International (SDI), ISSN No: 2456-706X.
  4. Reviewer for an International Journal of Engineering Science and Mathematics (IJSEM), ISSN No: 2320-0294, for an International Conference on Mathematical Sciences in Engineering Applications.


  1. Best Teacher for the academic year 2019-20.
  2. Best Teacher for the academic year 2015-16.
  3. Best Teacher for the academic year 2016-17.
  4. Sessioned a Chair for the 1st International conference on Latest innovations in Materials Engineering and technology (ICLIET-2018) conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering at Lendi Institute of Engineering and technology with the collaboration of SPRINGER during the period of 15th and 16th of June 2018.
  5. Sessioned Co-chair for an International Conference on Mathematical Sciences in Engineering Applications ICMSEA 2017 held at BABA Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam during the period 22-24th Dec 2017.


  1. Secured a Percentile 90 in GATE-2004                                               
  2. Secured Andhra University 2nd rank in M.E Ist.year
  3. Secured 2nd prize in District level Volley ball competition