Participated in the Seminar on “Additive Manufacturing” held on 26th February 2022 organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering , Nadar Saraswathi College of Engineering and Technology, Theni.
Participated in one Day Seminar on “Role of Internships and Industrial Projects in Engineering Education” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada On 11th November 2021.
Participated in one Day National Workshop on “ Advances in Mechanical Engineering” sponsored by UGC SAP CAS-I conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, AU college of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 11th March 2019.
Participated in one Day National Seminar on “ Materials and Manufacturing” sponsored by UGC SAP CAS-I conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, AU college of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 23rd March 2017.
Participated in Two Day National Workshop on “ Advances in Manufacturing Process” conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University college of Engineering, Vizianagaram, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Visakhapatnam on 28th February & 1st March 2014.
Raja, S., Rusho, Thimothy, P., Bahar, M. A., Kadhim, M. E., Shwan, S. A., & Kumar, A. P. (2024). “Minimizing environmental footprint in FDM additive manufacturing: Analyzing process efficiency through advanced optimization techniques”. Applied Chemical Engineering, 7(4), ACE-5533.
Subramani, R., Rusho, M. A., Thimothy, P., Mustafa, W. W., Ali, S. T., Hashim, R. D. & Kumar, A. P. (2024). “Synthesis and characterization of high-performance sustainable polymers for FDM applications”. Applied Chemical Engineering, 7(4).
Sekhar, G. Chandra, P. Thimothy, Raviteja Surakasi, Nadeem A. Khan, and Sasan Zahmatkesh. "Graphene Nanopowder and Propylene Glycol Solutions: Thermal and Physical Properties." Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023): 1-12.
Santosh Peddinti, P Srinivasa Reddy, P.Thimothy “Noise and Vibration Analysis of Diesel Engine fueled using Diesel and Neem Biodiesel with Inclusion of MoO3 Nano Particles.” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538, Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at
A. Haribabu , Raviteja Surakasi , P.Thimothy , MohammadAmir Khan , Nadeem A. Khan & Sasan Zahmatkesh “Study comparing the tribological behavior of propylene glycol and water dispersed with graphene nanopowder.” Scientifc Reports, Nature Publishing Group UK, February 10, 2023.
Raju R, R. Sivasankara, Shaik Hidayatulla Shariff, Thimothy Pandi, Y. Jaya Santhoshi, and Vemuru Naresh Babu. "Design of automated braking system of vehicle using PLC ladder and simulated with WPL software." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2794, no. 1. AIP Publishing, 2023.
Raju, Sivasankara, Ch. Lakshmi Srinivas, Srinivasa Rao Gunji, T. Srinag, Meda Chandra Shekhar, and Thimothy Pandi. “Estimation of Effect of Cold Forging Deformational Behavior on Al-2024 Alloy Reinforced with Fly-Ash Particulates.” Advances in Science and Technology. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, September 26, 2022.
Raja S. Agrawal AP. P Patil P. Thimothy, P. Capangpangan, RY, Singhal, P. Wotango MT. “Optimization of 3D Printing Process Parameters of Polylactic Acid Filament Based on the Mechanical Test” in International Journal of Chemical Engineering Volume 2022, Article ID 5830869, 7 pages Received 8 April 2022; Revised 16 May 2022; Accepted 28 May 2022; Published 11 August 2022
Hari Kiran Vuddagiri , Sivasankara Raju Rallabandi , Srinivas Vadapalli , Thimothy Pandi, “Assessment of Mechanical and Tribological Performance of Hybrid Al/MoS2/Al2O3 Composite by GFRA”, in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Volume 28, Issue 1, April 2022, pp. 79–102, DOI:
P.Thimothy, Ch. Ratnam, Siva Sankar Raju, “Assessment of Tribological Performance of AL/CSA Composites Using RSM”, in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 9, Issue 13, December 2018, pp. 442–451, Article ID: IJMET_09_13_046 (Indexed: SCOPUS)
Siva Sankar Raju, P.Thimothy, Ch. Ratnam, “Estimation of physical, mechanical and machinability properties of Al-MMCs reinforced with coconut shell ash particulates”, in Ceramic Sciences and Engineering (2018) doi:10.24294/cse.v1i2.703
P.Thimothy, Ch.Ratnam and Siva Sankara Raju “Development and Accretion of Tribological Performance on Al-CSA Composites using Orthogonal Array”, Ninth International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization, Elsevier Publishers Materials Today: Proceedings 18 (2019) 5332–5339.
Siva Sankara Raju R, D.Ashok, ThimothyPandi, “Determination of Stress and Deformations Analysis on LPG Steel Cylinder “. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.733-737. (Indexed: Index Copernicus, UGC Approved Journal)
Participated and presented a paper in the “1st International Conference on Latest Innovations in Materials Engineering & Technology” (ICLIET-2018) conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vizianagaram, held on 15th & 16th June 2018.
Participated and presented a paper in the “9th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization” (ICMPC-2019) conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, during 8th - 10th March 2019.
International Association of Engineers (IAENG) – 232084.
Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers(India) (Membership No: M-1722519)
Life Member of The Indian Society for Technical Education(Membership No: LM-132886)
Editorial member for all associated journals of BEIESP publishers. Membership No: 202016