1.A critical review on High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) Coating Technique, Published in Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D (2022).
2.Hemalatha, S., & Anusha, K. (2025). Optimization of machining parameters material removal rate and surface roughness by using reponse surface methodology and Grey Taguchi technique on Electric Discharge Machine. Next Materials, 6, 100504.
3.K.Ch. Sekhar, Ramya Pakalapati, Balaji Mugada, Anusha Kalluri, Raviteja Surakasi, published a journal paper on“ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF BIODIESEL ENGINES FUELLED BY waste cooking oil and nano additives”, Journal of Engineering and Technology for Industrial Applications. ITEGAM-JETIA Manaus, v.10 n.48, p. 179-183. July/August., 2024. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5935/jetia.v10i48.1172.
4.K.Anusha, I.Mohan Rao, K.swathi, P.vijay published a journal paper on “Optimization of machining parameters in electric discharge machine using response surface methodology”,journal of advancement in machines, e-ISSN: 2582-2233, , Volume 6, Issue3( September-December) 2021
5.P.vijay, K.Anusha, I.Mohan Rao, K.Swathi published a journal paper on “Experimental investigation of mechanical properties of Al6061 alloy reinforced with tungsten carbide”, journal of advancement in material Engineering e-ISSN: 2582-0036, , Volume 6, Issue3( September-December) 2021.
1.International conference on “emerging multifunctional materials and devices for sustainable technologies,” NIT Warangal 2024.
2.International Conference on “Optimization of machining parameters for MRR and surface roughness by using Reponse Surface Methodology and Grey Taguchi technique on Electric discharge machine,”conducted by Indian Technology Congress 2015
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