Mandatory Disclosure 2025-26 NIRF-2025 Data for Innovation NIRF-2025 Data for Engineering Colleges NIRF-2025 Data for Overall Mandatory Disclosure 2024-25

PLACEMENTS - Amazon - 5 , Accenture - 70 , TCS - 100 , Infosys - 48 , Bosch - 4 , Hexaware - 84 , Tech Mahindra - 8 , Capgemini - 40 , Cisco - 2 , Cognizant - 43 , IBM - 6 , Wipro - 90 , Virtusa - 80 , Mindtree , NTT Data , Inveniolsi , Hyundai - 6 , Deloitte , PWC , Tvarana , HCL , Techigai , Apps Associates , Aptroid , Pennant , Veda , ZenQ , Infolabs , KPIT Many More.....

Appanna  Duvvarapu

Appanna Duvvarapu

Assistant Professor, MECH

8 Years


Thermal Engineering

Seminars & Workshops


  1. NPTEL course completion(FDP) on TALE(Teaching and learning in Engineering)
  2. A Two day National seminar on Advanced joining Techniques of Dissimilar metals for engineering applications from 3rd -4th Jan 2020.
  3. One week STTP on Additive manufacturing and 3D printing conducted department of mechanical engineering, Lendi institute of engineering and technology,Vizianagaram on 2nd to 7th march 2020
  4. A 3 Day online FDP on “Advanced Material Characterization Techniques” organized by department of mechanical engineering,Lendi institute of engineering and technology,Vizianagaram from 28th-30th may 2020.
  5. A 3 Day online FDP on “Recent Trends in Robotics and intelligent manufacturing” organized by department of mechanical engineering,Lendi institute of engineering and technology,Vizianagaram from 11th -13th may 2020.
  6. one week online Faculty Development Program on “Optimization Techniques &
    1. Tools for Mechanical Engineers” Organised by Mechanical Engineering Department of Sreenidhi Instituteof Science & Technology, Hyderabad during 22-27 June 2020.
  7. one week online FDP on Refresher Course On Thermodynamics”Organized by Ramachandra College of Engineering , Eluru during 8th - 13th June  2020.
  8. A 3 Day online FDP on “Advances in Mechatronics a lab perspective” organized by department of mechanical engineering,Lendi institute of engineering and technology,Vizianagaram from 25th -27th june 2020.
  9. A 3 Day FDP on “Industrial Artificial Intelligence” organized by department of mechanical engineering,Lendi institute of engineering and technology,Vizianagaram from 15th -17th june 2020.
  10. A 5 Day online FDP on “Research Innovations in Mechanical engineering-RIME-2K20” organized by department of mechanical engineering,Sai institute of engineering and technology,Tadepalligudem from13th -17th july 2020.
  11. One day online Webinar on "Pedagogical Use of ICT in a Classroom” organized by  Department of Humanities and Sciences, Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Hyderabad on 29th May 2020.
  12. One day online Webinar on “Student centered Learning in Engineering” organized by department of mechanical engineering,Swarnadhra college of engineering and technology,23rd may 2020.
  13. One day online Webinar on “welding defects & Imperfections” organized by department of mechanical engineering,Visakha Technical Campus,12th june 2020.
  14. One day online Worshop on “Autocad for Beginners” organized by department of mechanical engineering,Tagore engineering college,12th may 2020.
  15. One week online national level workshop on “3D Printing” organized by department of mechanical engineering,Ramachandra college of engineering from 27th may-1st june 2020.
  16. Five Day online Webathon on “Future Topics in Mechanical Engineering”, organized by,Ramco Institute of technology on 18th may 2020.
  17. One week online STTP Program on “Failure and damage mechanics of high performance engineering materials”, organized by department of mechanical engineering,ANITS engineering college from 13th -18th june 2020.
  18. “One day online Faculty Awareness Programme on “NBA to keep in touch with NBA Accreditation” organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC),PACE Institute of Technology and Sciences, Ongole on 5/17/2020.
  19. One day online webinar on “Vision,Mission and PEOs for technical institutions” organized by NIT,Bhopal on 7th july 2020.
  20. One day online webinar on “university industry linkage-Different Mechanisms” organized by Audisankara group of Instituions on 2nd may 2020.
  21. Three day national Research workshop on How to write publishes organized by truba group of institutions on 6th to 7th may 2021.
  22. One day training program on virtual labs organized by virtual labs nodal centre at lendi institute of engineering and technology 22nd may 2021
  23. Three day national workshop on NAAC “Assessment-Step By Step Process”organized chadalawada ramanamma engineering college on 27th to 29th may 2021.
  24. One day webinar on “Application of artificial intelligence across industrial domain” organized by vignan university,Guntur on 04-06-2021.
  25. Coursera certificate on Moralities of Everyday Life conducted by Yale university.
  26. Coursera certificate on Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to there conduct by university of Michigan.
  27. one week Faculty Development Program on “Learning through virtual labs for technical institutions” Organised by Mechanical Engineering Department of Lendi institute of engineering and technology in association with NIT,Suarathkal, during 18-22 oct 2021.
  28. one week online Faculty Development Program on “Research methodologies and Tools” Organised by Mechanical Engineering Department of Lendi institute of engineering and technology, during 27th sep to 1st  oct 2021
  29. Participated in the online training program on “Advances in welding and manufacturing”NITTTR, Chennai (one week).
  30. Participated in the online training program on “Matlab Programming for simulation and design”NITTTR, Chennai (one week).
  31. Participated 2 weeks FDP on recent “Advances in materials and challenges in manufacturing techniques “conducted by jntuk.
  32. Participated one day seminar on “Additive manufacturing
  33. NPTEL FDPcertificate on IOT  from July-Oct 2023(12 week course)
  34. 5 Day Faculty Development program on “UHV”conducted by AICTE from 03-07-2023 TO 07-07-2023
  35. E-yantra certificate on Embedded systems and Robotics, 50 days online course
  36. NPTEL certificate on Research methodology in Natural sciences from Jan-April 2024(12 week course)
  37. FDP on innovations for sustainable manufacturing in industry 4.O from 20-11-2023 TO 24-11-2023
  38. EDX course completed for solid works CAD fundamentals on April 9 2024
  39. FDP on integrating Autodesk fusion-360 in engineering subjects from 26-06-2023 to 01-07-2023
  40. FDP on MAT LAB for mechanical engineering from 10-07-2023 to 12-07-2023
  41. NPTEL Certificate On PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS from Feb-April 2023(8 weeks course)
  42. One week FDP on “Contemporary Advancements In Materials Processing And Characterization”from 24-04-2023 to 29-04-2023
  43. Workshop on six sigma Conducted by Dept.of mechanical engineering,Lendi institute of engineering and technology from 21-12-2023 to 22-12-2023
  44. Altair course on Additive manufacturing v2022 e learning on 17-08-2023
  45. Faculty Development Program on Emerging Green hydrogen energy technologies for societal sustainability and climate change mitigation(ATAL FDP) from 16-12-2024 TO 21-12-2024
  2. Author(s): Surakasi Raviteja, CH Polayya,D Appanna,VV Prasanna Kumar,B Ranjan Kumar, published in “Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education”, a paper entitled “COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS OF WASTE COOKING OIL BIO DIESEL ON FOUR STROKE DIESEL ENGINE USING ADDITIVES”
  3.  Published a journal on “Experimental Investigation and Optimization on Microstructure & Mechanical Properties of AA5052 in Comparison with AA2024 and AA8090 using Friction Stir Welding”IJPE, vol.17
  4. Published a journal on “Design and Analysis of Composite Propeller Shaft” in IJIRT vol.8 issue 10,ISSN:2349-6002
  5. Published   “Microstructural Behavior and Mechanical Properties of AA7010/ Tic/Graphene Hybrid Nanocomposite Synthesized by Stir Casting”in Transaction institute of Indian metals,springer journal,on 2023

1. A National Conference on paper titled "Experimental analysis of variations in the transformer oil by adding aluminium nitride Nano powder" at NIT Rourkela from 02/04/2021 to 04/04/2021

2.A National Conference on paper titled "Fabrication and experimental analysis of helical tube heat exchanger in comparision with plate heat exchanger"at NIT Rourkela from 12/02/2021 to 13/02/2021