Mandatory Disclosure 2025-26 NIRF-2025 Data for Innovation NIRF-2025 Data for Engineering Colleges NIRF-2025 Data for Overall Mandatory Disclosure 2024-25

PLACEMENTS - Amazon - 5 , Accenture - 70 , TCS - 100 , Infosys - 48 , Bosch - 4 , Hexaware - 84 , Tech Mahindra - 8 , Capgemini - 40 , Cisco - 2 , Cognizant - 43 , IBM - 6 , Wipro - 90 , Virtusa - 80 , Mindtree , NTT Data , Inveniolsi , Hyundai - 6 , Deloitte , PWC , Tvarana , HCL , Techigai , Apps Associates , Aptroid , Pennant , Veda , ZenQ , Infolabs , KPIT Many More.....

K Ch  Sekhar

K Ch Sekhar

Professor, MECH

12 Years


Vibration Welding, Composite Materials, Nano fluids

Seminars & Workshops


  1. Participated one-week   AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL) FDP onSmart Manufacturing systems from industry 5.0 perspective at NIT Puducherry from 11th  to 17th Dec,2024
  2. Participated one-week   AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL) FDP on Bio-Printing of Tissues and Organs An Evolution of Technology and materials from GMR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY from 18th to 30th Dec 2024.
  3. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on Introduction to Internet of Things of 12 weeks course.
  4. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on Data Science for Engineers of 8 weeks course.
  5. Participated one weeks FDP on Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education is organized by AICTE from 3rd July to 7th July 2023.
  6. Participated two-week   AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL) FDP on Nano structured materials-synthesis, Characterisation and applications from 10th to 21st oct 2022 organized by JNTUKV,AP
  7. Participated two weeksonline  FDP on Recent Advances in Materials and Challenges in Manufacturing Techniques is organized by JNTU Kakinada from 7th to18th feb 2022.
  8. Participated one week FDP on Artificial intelligence /Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineering Problems during 21st -26th march 2022 organized by mechanical engineering  department Shri Vishnu engineering college for women, Bhimavaram.
  9. Participated one-week   AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL) FDP on 3D Printing & Design from 1st to 5th 2021 at IIt Ropar.
  10. Participated one-week   AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL) FDP on Robotics an applications in medical Science, NIT bhopal.
  11. Participated twoweeks FDP on Architectural modelling using Revit software organized by Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation from 16th Aug to03rd Sept,2021 Government of Andhra Pradesh.
  12. Participated oneweek FDP on Learning through VIRTUAL LABS for technical institutions organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, LIET 18th-22nd Oct 2021.  
  13. Participated FDP on NAAC Assessment and accreditation: A Step by step Process organized by Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering college,Tirupathi, AP.
  14. Participated one-week   AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL) FDP on Functional materials Energy Environment and health.
  15. Participated one-week short Term Training Programme through ICT mode on Outcome Based   Accreditation and NBA organized by NITTTR, Kolkata held on 14-06-2021 to 18-06-2021.
  16. Participated one-week   AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL) FDP on Mechatronics & MEMS organized by NIT, Warangalheld on 05-07-2021 to 09-07-2021.
  17. Participated Faculty Development Programme on Virtual Labs Organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology held on 22nd May 2021.
  18. Participated One Week Faculty Development Programme on Research tools & Methodologies Organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology held on 27-09-2021 to 01-10-2021.
  19. Participated One Week Online Orientation Training Programme for Mentors Organized by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi (AICTE) held on 14-06-2021 to 18-06-2021.
  20. Participated one-week Faculty Development Program on Industrial Automation (PLC) conducted by APSSDC-Siemens Project held on 01-07-2019 to 06-09-2019.
  21. Participated workshop on Successful NAAC Accreditation With A/A+/A++ Grade For Academic Excellence For Autonomy organized by Aassaan Educare Foundation held on 22nd Feb 2020.
  22. Participated Two-day Global Seminar on Exciting Advances in Manufacturing Automation organized by GITAM Deemed To Be University held on 28th& 29th August, 2020.
  23. Participated Five -day National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on Artificial Intelligence organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology held on 22-05-2020 to 26-05-2020.
  24. Participated one-week Faculty Development Programme on Latest Trends In Engineering, Science And Technology: Nanomaterials organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology held on 10-08-2020 to 15-08-2020.
  25. Participated Three-day Faculty Development Programme on Automotive Structures Design Using Catia organized by APSSDC in association with Dassault systems held on 30-04-2020 to 02-05-2020.
  26. Participated one-week Faculty Development Programme on Research Development In Design , Manufacturing And Materials organized by Research Development In Design , Manufacturing And  Materials held on 04-09-2020 to 09-09-2020.
  27. Participated Webinar on Continuoes improvement, instutional governance and support system organized by NITTTR, Bhopal held on 18-08-2020.
  28. Participated Webinar on Higher education circular isuues and implications organized by NITTTR, Bhopal held on 20-11-2020.
  29. Participated Webinar on Planning required during the visit and post visit activities organized by NITTTR, Bhopal held on 25-08-2020.
  30. Participated Webinar on Action plan to prepare institute for accreditation organized by NITTTR, Bhopal held on 27-08-2020.
  31. Participated Webinar on Applying for accreditation organized by NITTTR, Bhopal held on 20-08-2020.
  32. Participated Three-day Faculty Development Programme on Recent Trends in Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology held on 11-05-2020 to 13-05-2020.
  33. Participated Three-day Faculty Development Programme on Advances in mechotronics - A lab practice organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology held on 25-06-2020 to 27-06-2020.
  34. Participated One Week Faculty Training Programme on Turning Numerical Control Programming Organized by Andhra University held 14-05-2018 to 18-05-2018.
  35. Participated One Week Faculty Development Programme on Hybrid and Electric vehicle technologies Organized by MVGR College of Engineering held on 11-12-2018 to 15-12-2018.
  36. Participated Faculty Development Programme on Teaching and learning in engineering (TALE) Organized by NPTEL.
  1. Micro structural investigations on the fractural behaviour of SS304 Butt joints developed through vibratory welding,
  2. Innovative surface engineering of sustainable polymers: Toward green and high-performance materials
  3. Utilizing bio-energy and waste techniques in FDM: Toward sustainable production practices,
  4. Optimization of sustainable polymer composites for surface metamorphosis in FDM process,
  5. Environmental effects of Bio-diesel engines fuelled by waste cooing oil and metal nano additives,
  6. The combustion and emission characteristics of corn oil biodiesel with titanium oxide (TiO2) Nano additives,
  7. Investigating the influence of water absorption and mechanical properties of composites reinforced with Banana and Roselle Fibers, ISSN: 2321-9653
  8. Critical success Factors of Six Sigma and its effect on the performance of Automobile Manufacturing industries, doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.9.NQ44372"
  9. Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum and Graphene Nanopowder-Based Composites," International Journal of Chemical Engineering.
  10. Evaluation of physcio-thermal properties of TiO2 – water mixture dispersed with MWCNTs, Nanotechnology   for Environmental Engineering,Spinger,https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S41204-022-00242-4,ISSN Number :2365-6387
  11. Evaluation of physciothermal properties of silicon oil dispersed with multiwalled carbon nanotubes and data prediction using ANN,Journal of Nano materials. https://Doi.Org/10.1155/2021/3444512
  12. Evaluation Of Performance, Emission And Combustion Characteristics Of Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel Using Additives, Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(5): 5754 – 5771
  13. Performance And Emission Characteristics Of Sunflower Oil Bio Diesel On Four Stroke Diesel Engine, International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (Ijaret) Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2021, Pp.204-216 Http:// Issn Print: 0976-6480 And Issn Online: 0976-6499 Doi: 10.34218/Ijaret.12.4.2021.024
  14. Performance and emission characteristics of high-speed diesel engine blends with carbon nanotubes added ethanol-diesel. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001 Vol. 8, Issue 5, Oct 2018, 91-100, DOI:10.24247/ijmperdoct201812
  15. A Review on Thermal Properties of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, International Journal for Research & Development in Technology, Volume-8,Issue-4, (Oct-17) ISSN (O): - 2349-3585
  1. Evaluation of Compressive Strength of Thermoplastic Materials Prepared Using 3D Printer with Different in-Fill Structures. In Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Innovative Product Design (pp. 209-215). Springer, Singapore.
  2. Comparison of Mechanical Behavior for Cow- and Goat-Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy CompositesIn  Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Innovative Product  Design ,Springer Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering,ISBN978-981-15-2695-4,
  3. Investigating the Effect of Nano Crystalline MoS2 Particles on the Surface Integrity of Turned Components. Materials Today: Proceedings 4.8 (2017): 7527-7532.
  4. Participated in international conference on application of robots and artificial intelligence methods in engineering and science(ARAIMESF 2024,SERIES 1) fields during 11th and 12th June 2024,organised by mechanical department of NIT, Rourkela
  5. Participated in 3rd international conference on Materials, Computing &Communication technologies(ICMCCT 2022) on June 20,2022 ororganised by Annai Vailankanni college of engineering Chennai, India
  6. Participated In International Conference on Contemporary Researches in Engineering, Science, Management Organised by National Foundation For Entrepreneurship Development, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu on 27-29 Jan 2022
  1. The Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE)ID-LM132885
  2. The Institution of Engineers(MIE).ID-M-1560756
  3. International Society for Research and Development(ISRD)-M-4150904088
  4. Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors(IRED) ID-M101000583717
  5. International Associates Of Engineers(IAENG) 156760