Mandatory Disclosure 2025-26 NIRF-2025 Data for Innovation NIRF-2025 Data for Engineering Colleges NIRF-2025 Data for Overall Mandatory Disclosure 2024-25

PLACEMENTS - Amazon - 5 , Accenture - 70 , TCS - 100 , Infosys - 48 , Bosch - 4 , Hexaware - 84 , Tech Mahindra - 8 , Capgemini - 40 , Cisco - 2 , Cognizant - 43 , IBM - 6 , Wipro - 90 , Virtusa - 80 , Mindtree , NTT Data , Inveniolsi , Hyundai - 6 , Deloitte , PWC , Tvarana , HCL , Techigai , Apps Associates , Aptroid , Pennant , Veda , ZenQ , Infolabs , KPIT Many More.....

Tulabandula  Sravya

Tulabandula Sravya

Assistant Professor, EEE


power electronics and drives

  • K.Dinesh, T.Sravya,M.Satish, M.Gnaneswara rao “A review on congestion management in power systems reforms” published in International jounal of scientific research in engineering and management, IJSREM-Volume 6,issue 4,April 2022, ISSN:2582-330.
  • A.Praveena, k.Aswini, T.Sravya “A novel method for ticketing system using-RFID technology” Published in Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, JETIR –volume 10, Issue 3,march 2023, ISSN:2349-5162.
  • T Sravya , K Venkata Sai Prakash , B Dileep kumar , B Venkataramana ,G Venkatarao, “ANALYSIS OF FUZZY BASED INTERLEAVED CUK CONVERTER”, Mukt Shabd Journal, Volume IX, Issue VI, JUNE-2020
  • T Sravya , K. Aswini, “ Analysis and Comparison of Conventional and Interleaved DC/DC CUK Converter using Fuzzy Logic Controller”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 8 Issue V May 2020, pp 2738-2744 Pp- 5143 – 5148.
  • Gopi Chand Naguboina, K. Anusudha, T. Sravya, “Realization and Synthesis of 4 – bit Universal Shift Register using Logical Reversible Computation in Xilinx”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Vol 7, No 3.29 (2018), 769 – 774, ISSN: 2227-524X
  • “A Comparative Analysis Report on Modified Reversible Sequential Circuits Realized with Improved Quantum Cost”Gopi Chand Naguboina, T. Sravya  i – manager’s Journal on Circuits and Systems, Year 2019 

  • “Speed Enhancement of Modified Booth’s Encoding Algorithm using Verilog HDL” Gopi Chand Naguboina, T. Sravya i – manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing,, Year 2019 

  • T.Sravya, P.Munigowri, “A novel Control Structure for Wind Driven PMSG Based Single Phase Stand Alone System” Published in International Journal of Scientific Research and Development, IJSRD – volume 5, issue 2, in April 2017.
  • T.Sravya, P.Munigowri, ”Development of Predictive Current control Technique using ANFIS Controller for PMSM Motor Drive” Published in International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology, IJIRSET – volume 6, issue 8, August 2017, ISSN(Online): 2319 – 8753, ISSN (Print): 2347 -6710.
  • Gopi Chand Naguboina, K. Anusudha, T. Sravya, “Realization and Synthesis of Modified Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters using Reversible Logical Computation with Improved Quantum Cost” - International Conference on New Trends in Engineering and Technology, (ICNTET – 2018), September 7 th & 8 th 2018, GRT Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, IEEE Madras Section, 978-1-5386-5630-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE.
  • “Hybrid Control of Grid-Connected DFIG”Karthik Tamvada, B. Ramvaraprasad K. Anitha K. Nagamani,T. Sravya 2022 IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Energy, Signal Processing and Cyber Security (iSSSC), Year 2022.