• Participated in AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Program on "Future Trends in Energy Management for Smart Cities" organized by Department of EEE ,Lendi institute of engineering and technology
• Acted as coordinator to FDP on New trends in power electronics for Micro grids and EVS organized by Department of EEE ,Lendi institute of engineering and technology .
• Acted as technical coordinator to AICTE sponsored online STTP on smart micro grids and its futer trends organized by Department of EEE ,lendi institute of engineering and technology .
• Participated in the Faculty development program on “designing & development of electric vehicles” organized by Department of EEE ,DIET, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
• Participated in the international Faculty development program on "“Aiming Towards 3D’s in Electrical Engineering”organized by Department of EEE,Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad.
• Participated in the international Faculty development program on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Electric Vehicles” jointly organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam and Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
• Participated in short term course on Component and Applications of IOT(CAIOT) organized by IIT PATNA & MHRD.
• Participated in the national level work shop" Applications of Embedded systems to IOT" conducted by Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology.
• Participated in the national level work shop" Electrical power systems emphasis with MATLAB "conducted by Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology.
• Participated in the national level work shop “Smart Grid Conceptualization and implementation “conducted by Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology.
• Participated in the international Faculty development program on “Research on challenges and innovation on Renewable energy systems” organized by AVIT college in association with Center for renewable energy technology-Chennai.
• Participated in the One Week Faculty Development Programme On " Design & Development Of Photovoltaic Modules For PV Generation” organized by Dept of EEE ,Lendi Institute of Engineering Technology.
• Participated in Faculty development program on ”Artificial Intelligence” organized by Vignan institute for Women.
• Participated in the One Week Faculty Development Programme On “Innovations To Academicians “New generation Innovation and entrepreneur development center and Ramachandra College of Engineering. ➢ • Participated in the Faculty development program on “Multilevel Inverters and Modulation Techniques” organized by international school of science for women
♦ “Smart Wind Farm Management System” with application number-2019-41054849 A published on 03-01-2019.
♦ “Artificial Intelligence Base Smart Motorized Bicycle” with application number-202041012418 A published on 22-05-2020
♦ "Hybrid (Solar and Wind) Energy Generating Roof Moun" with Design number: 6323416 .
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©Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology - Established 2008