1.Faculty development programme on Designing and Development of Electric Vehicles.
2. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty development programme on Introduction to Internet of things.
3. Faculty development programme on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Electric Vehicles.
4. Short Term Training Program on Emerging Trends on Control and Automation at Present Scenario,organized by Dream institute of technology,Kolkata during 09-05-2024 to 15-05-2024.
5. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty development programme on Software Testing.
6. Participated in one week online FDP on “Modern Research Innovative Techniques in Smart Grid Technologies.
7. Participated in five day online FDP on Recent Advances in power electronics and power systems.
8. Participated in one week online FDP on “Learning through Virtual Labs for Technical Institutions.
9. Successfully completed the AICTE-ISTE orientation/Refresher programme on “E-Mobility and Battery charging.
10.Participated in five day National Level Workshop on “ MATLAB and its Applications for Project Development in Electrical Engineering.
2. Published paper on Enhancing Power Quality improvement with PV Fed Multi Level Inverter and Neural Network Control in International journal of research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR).
1. Hybrid Control of Grid-Connected DFIG K Tamvada, B Ramvaraprasad, K Anitha, K Nagamani, T Sravya 2022 IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Energy …, 2022
2. Presented a Paper entitled Parameter Estimation of solar Photovoltaic Module in a Two day National Conference on Innovations in Science and Technology (IST-2024) held at NIT SRINAGAR, J & k , India from nov 28-29, 2024.
1. Book chapter on Artificial Intelligence based MPPT Technique for electric vehicle Charging Station Applications. (SCOPUS) by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis
3..Completed NPTEL Course on “Software Testing”
4.Completed NPTEL Course on “Internet of Things”
5. Completed one NPTEL Course on “ELECTRIC VEHICLES” with 75% (Elite+ Silver)
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