Mandatory Disclosure 2025-26 NIRF-2025 Data for Innovation NIRF-2025 Data for Engineering Colleges NIRF-2025 Data for Overall Mandatory Disclosure 2024-25

PLACEMENTS - Amazon - 5 , Accenture - 70 , TCS - 100 , Infosys - 48 , Bosch - 4 , Hexaware - 84 , Tech Mahindra - 8 , Capgemini - 40 , Cisco - 2 , Cognizant - 43 , IBM - 6 , Wipro - 90 , Virtusa - 80 , Mindtree , NTT Data , Inveniolsi , Hyundai - 6 , Deloitte , PWC , Tvarana , HCL , Techigai , Apps Associates , Aptroid , Pennant , Veda , ZenQ , Infolabs , KPIT Many More.....

Dr Yatindra  Gopal

Dr Yatindra Gopal

Associate Professor, EEE


Power electronics and drives

Seminars & Workshops


1 Attended one week short term course "Digital Image Processing Techniques", organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sreenivasa Institute of Technology and Management Studies, Chittoor from 05th December 2022 to 9th December, 2022.

2 Attended one week short term course "Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering", Organized by Department of EEE, PACE institute of technology from 28th November 2022 to 2nd December, 2022.

3. Attended one week short term course " Advanced Power Electronic Converters for RES and EV Applications", Organized by Dept. of EEE, Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous), Nandyal during 09th January to 13th January 2023.

4. Attended one week short term course “Emerging Techniques in Modern Power System, SS College of Engineering, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering from 31st January to 4th February, 2022.

5. Attended one week short term course “Recent advancements in electric vehicle technology and connected field, Jaipur Rajasthan Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering Anand International College of Engineering, Jaipur from 07/02,2022 to 11/02/2022.

6. Attended one week short term course “internet of things (IOT) & IT’S Application in Industry” organized by Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai Department of Instrumentation Engineering and B& R Automation PVT LTD. Pune on 8-12 june, 2020.

7. Attended one week short term course “LaTeX” organized Anand international college of engineering, jaipur, on 19-23 may, 2020.

8. One day online FDP on “Management and computer science education in post covid era” organized by institute of management & research, jalgaon on 12-13 june, 2020.

9. One day, National levels inter disciplinary webinar on, Aatmnirbhar bharath opportunities and challenges during 16th june 2020.

10. Attended one week short term course “Modern trends in electrical drives” organized Nagpur institute of technology, Nagpur, on 19-23 may, 2020.

11. Two days‚ TEQIP Pedagogical Conclave on Electrical Sciences‛ organized by Knowledge Network of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar under TEQIP-II Initiative (MHRD & Govt. of Gujarat) during September 24-25, 2016 at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar.

12. Attended the short term course “Trends and Challenges in Emerging Power System” in MNIT, Jaipur on 16-20 October 19-23, 2015.

13. One day workshop on ‚Startup India for Young Entrepreneurs‛ organized by ‘The Institute of Engineers (India) with Rajasthan Technical University Kota on 18th March 2016.

14. One day workshop on ‚Energy Conservation Building Code (E.C.B.C.)‛ organized at Rajasthan Technical University Kota on 6th January 2016.

15. Attended the short term course “Advance trends in reliability for engineering application” in Rajasthan Technical University Kota on 17-21 December, 2016.

16. Attended the short term course “Smart Grid Impact of Intermittent of Renewable Energy Source” in Govt. Engineering College Jhalawar on 16-20 February, 2017.

17. Attended the short term course “MATLAB and its hardware interface through ICT” in Rajasthan Technical University Kota on 11-15, January, 2016.

18. Attended the Workshop “human values and professional ethics” in Rajasthan Technical University Kota on 6-8, February, 2016.

19. Attended the one week faculty development programme on “MATLAB and LATEX: Tool for research” in Rajasthan Technical University Kota on 08-12, February, 2016.

20. Attended the three days faculty development on “power system design & analysis using dlgSILENT power factory software with DELLSOFT Technologies Pvt. Ltd.” in Rajasthan Technical University Kota on 13-15, June, 2016.

21. Attended the Skill Development Program “Thermal Power Plant Familiarization” in Rajasthan Technical University Kota on 11-13 January, 2017.

22. Attended the Author Workshop Jointly organized by Springer Nature and University of Kota on 2nd march, 2017.

23. Attended the International Workshop “LabVIEW and Its Application” in SS College of Engineering, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, on 11-12, January, 2018.

24. Attended the Author Workshop Jointly organized by Springer Nature and Rajasthan Technical University, kota on 20th April, 2017.

25. One day workshop on ‚Real Time Simulator for Power Electronics‛ organized at Rajasthan Technical University Kota on 9th May 2016.

26. Two day TEQIP-III Sponsored workshop on “Intellectual Property Right and Indian Patent System” Organised by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota on 28/9/2018 to 29/9/2018.

27. One week TEQIP-III Sponsored faculty development programme on “control and integration techniques for renewable energy system” organised by Rajasthan technical university, kota on 21/11/2018 to25/11/2018.

28. One week TEQIP-III faculty development programme on “control and integration techniques for renewable energy system” Organised by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota on 21/11/2018 to 25/11/2018.

29. One day NPTEL Awareness workshop in Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan on 3rd May, 2019. Conducted by Indian institute of technology (IIT) Madras.

30. One day program for participation in intellectual property right (IPR) seminar. Conducted by Sangam University, bhilwara Rajasthan on 18th january, 2020.

31. One day webinar on smart sensor transform for health care system. Conducted by SVCET, Chittoor, A.P on 3rd july, 2021.


  • Five Day Faculty Development Program on ““Advancement in Electrical and Electronics Sciences-Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” from 26/03/2024 to 30/03/2024.
  • Five Day Faculty Development Program on “Recent Development In Electrical and Electronics Engineering: A Research Prospective” from 24/07/2023 to 28/07/2023.
  • A seminar on recent development trends and challenges in multilevel inverter. On date 30.03.2023
  • A webinar on “Optimal Planning of Electric Vehicles” On date 23rd June 2021.


  • Delivered an invited talk on “Multilevel Inverter Integration with Renewable Energy Systems” in an international conference “Creativity & Innovation in Technology Development” at SS College of engineering, Udaipur (Raj., India) held on 15-16 march 2018.
  • Delivered an invited talk on “Switched capacitor based multilevel inverter for Renewable Energy Systems” in an international conference “Creativity & Innovation in Technology Development” at SS College of engineering, Udaipur (Raj., India) held on 27-28th  August 2024.




1. Piyush Sharma, Dheeraj Kumar Palwalia , Ashok Kumar Sharma, Yatindra Gopal , and Julio C. Rosas-Caro. Novel Current-Fed Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Battery Charging in Electric Vehicle Applications with Reduced Spikes. Electricity 2024, 5, 1022–1048.

2. Buduma P, Yatindra Gopal, Kampara R and Kumar R. "Power coordination and control of DC Microgrid with PV and hybrid energy storage system" International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2024. (Web of science, Scopus).

3. Om Prakash, Yatindra Gopal, Saumya Das, Yatindra Gopal, Hare Ram Singh, T. Somassoundaram, Minimization of Fuel Cost for Generator Systems with Valve Point Effect Using Modified PSO, Franklin Open, 2024, 100090, ISSN 2773-1863, (Elsevier)

4. Yatindra Gopal, Kaibalya Prasad Panda, Akanksha Kumari, Julio C Rosas-Caro. “A Switched-Capacitor-Based 7-Level Self-Balancing High-Gain Inverter Employing a Single DC Source”. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. Vol. 2023. Article ID 5545081 | (SCIE)

5. Yatindra Gopal, Yarrem Narasimhulu Vijaya Kumar, Akanksha Kumari, Om Prakash, Subrata Chowdhury, and Abdullah A. Almehizia. "Reduced Device Count for Self Balancing Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Integration with Renewable Energy Source" Sustainability 15, no. 10: 8000. 2023 (SCIE).

6. Akanksha Kumari, Yatindra Gopal, Dheeraj Kumar Dhaked, Kaibalya Prasad Panda, Y.N.Vijaya Kumar, A Single Source Five-Level Switched-Capacitor Based Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Device Count, e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, Volume 5, 2023, 100235, ISSN 2772-6711, (Elsevier, Scopus)

7. J. Satheesh Kumar, Om Prakash, Yatindra Gopal, Amrita Rai, Amit Ranjan, Effective Bitstream Compression Approaches for High Speed Digital Systems e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, Volume 5, 2023, 100221, ISSN 2772-6711, (Elsevier, Scopus)

8. Yatindra Gopal, YN Kumar, KP Panda, CV Raj. A novel method of islanding detection for multilevel inverter based distributed generation using SPWM technique. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2548, no.1, 2023, (Scopus, Web of science).

9. C Vimalraj, Yatindra Gopal, YN Kumar. Multiple audio channels wirelessly streamed into a telephone line. AIP Publishing, vol. 2548, no. 1, 2023. (Scopus, Web of science).

10. Yatindra Gopal, Kaibalya Prasad Panda and Dinesh Birla, Genetic algorithm and anti- predatory swarm optimisation-based solutions for selective harmonic elimination in multilevel inverters. IJPE, vol. 15, no. 3-4, 2022. (Inderscience, Scopus).

11. Lokesh Raman, Yatindra Gopal, Dinesh Birla, Mahendra Lalwani. “Effect of Fault Classification and Detection in Transmission Line using Wavelet Detail Coefficient "International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology. Vol. 17, no.3, pp. 288-302, 2022. 10.1504/IJCAET.2022.125712 .(Inderscience, Scopus).

12. Yatindra Gopal, Dinesh Birla, Mahendra Lalwani. “Reduced Switches Multilevel Inverter Integration with Boost Converters in Photovoltaic System. “S. N Applied Science”. 2020. DOI: (Springer, Scopus, web of science).

13. Yatindra Gopal, Dinesh Birla, Mahendra Lalwani. “A novel 7-level reduced switch multilevel inverter with minimum number of switches incorporated with boost converter with photovoltaic system”. Test Engineering and Management”. Vol. 83, june, 2020. (Scopus)

14. Yatindra Gopal, Mobin Ansari, Hardik Singha, Atul Gandhi. “Analysis and assessment of MPPT for solar PV system: A review. JXU, vol. 14, no. 6, 2020. (scopus)

15. Dheeraj Kumar Dhaked, Yatindra Gopal, Dinesh Birla. “Battery Charging Optimization of Solar Energy Based Telecom Sites in India” International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Drives. Vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 5041-5046, 2019. ((Web of Science, Scopus)

16. Yatindra Gopal, Mahendra Lalwani‚ Dinesh Birla. “Swarm Optimization-based Modified Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM Technique Application in Symmetrical H-bridge Type Multilevel Inverters”, Engineering technology & applied science research”, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 3835-3844, 2019. (Web of Science, Scopus).

17. Reena, Yatindra Gopal, Jaya Mishra, R. K. Vyas. “Comparative Analysis of Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Integration with PV System” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR). Vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 481-488, 2019. (UGC Approved).

18. Yatindra Gopal, Dinesh Birla, Mahendra Lalwani. “Selected Harmonic Elimination for Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Based on Photovoltaic with Fuzzy Logic Control Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique” technologies. vol. 6, pp. 1-17, 2018. (Web of Science, Scopus).

19. Yatindra Gopal, K. Kumar‚ Dinesh Birla, Mahendra Lalwani. “Banes and Boons of Perturb & Observe, Incremental Conductance and Modified Regula Falsi Methods for Sustainable PV Energy Generation,” Journal of Power Technologies, vol. 97, no.1, pp. 35-43, 2017. (Web of Science).

20. Ramesh Babu Mutluri, Yatindra Gopal, Suman Khichar. “Mitigation of Current and Voltage Perturbations in a Power Distribution Network by Fuzzy Control of UPQC”. IJSER, vol. 8, no.11, 2017. (UGC Approved).

21. Suman Khichar, Yatindra Gopal, Mahendra Lalwani. “An Enhanced Control Strategy for the Stable Operation of Distributed Generation during Grid-connected and Islanded Mode,” International Journal of Applied Power Engineering,” vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 145-156. DOI:10.11591/ijape.v7.i2.pp147-158 . 2018. (scopus).

22. Jitendra Sharma, Yatindra Gopal, Dinesh Birla, Mahendra Lalwani, “An Algorithm for Selecting Compatible Wavelet Function in Electrical Signals to Detect and Localize Disturbances” IJAER, vol. 13, no. 14, pp. 11440-11447,, 2018. (Scopus).

23. A.J VivekKumar, DK Dhaked, Yatindra Gopal, “Comparative study of Enhanced Power Flow Controller and TCSC” vol. 13, no. 14, pp. 11625-11631, 2018. (Scopus). 24. K. P Panda, B P Sahu, D Samal, Yatindra Gopal. “Switching Angle Estimation using GA Toolbox for Simulation of Cascaded Multilevel Inverter,” International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 73, no. 21, pp. 21-26, 2013. Doi: 10.5120/13018-00



1. Jaya Chandra Panigrahi, Narmadha Bejjupalli, Yatindra Gopal, Y. N. Vijaya Kumar. “A Grid Connecting Control Scheme for Reactive Power Compensation of PV Inverter” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Technologies. 01 January 2022.

2. Yatindra Gopal, Kaibalya Prasad Panda, Y.N.Vijay Kumar, G V Pradeep. “Reductıon In Harmonıcs For PV Based Reduced Devıce Count Multılevel Inverter Wıth Genetıc Algorıthm,” 1st International Symposium on Sustainable Energy and Technological Advancements (ISSETA 2021) is being organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, India during 24th- 25th September 2021.

3. Yatindra Gopal, Mahendra Lalwani‚ Dinesh Birla. “Genetic Algorithm Based Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters for PV System with MPPT Technique,” IEEE International Conference on Information Communication Instrumentation and Control (ICICIC-2017). DOI: 10.1109/ICOMICON.2017.8279127

4. Harsha Upadhyaye, Yatindra Gopal, Dinesh Birla. “THD Analysis for PV based cascaded multilevel inverters with MPPT technique” International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-2019, ELSEVIER). SSRN 3358061, 2019.

5. Yatindra Gopal, Shubham Lodha, Rahmat Ansari and Vinesh Agarwal, Selected harmonic elimination for photovoltaic based 11-level cascaded multilevel inverter using genetic algorithm, ICEODS-2019, Jaipur.


1. Yatindra Gopal, etal., An efficient load flow solution for distribution system. National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NCETEEE-2K21).

  • IAENG: ID:348759,IAENG Society of Electrical Engineering
Projects & Others
  • Project titled “Design and Analysis of single source self balancing 17- level switched capacitor reduced switch Multilevel Inverter with Extending Ability” funded by Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) (SVCET), Chittoor, A.P, India. (Complited)                                                                                                        
  • Project titled "Configurable FILTENNA (Filter and Antenna) for multi-band IoT devices for next-generation cognitive radio networks (CRN). In SCIENCE & ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD (SERB) at Dated: 22-Mar-2023. (ongoing)