Published a Paper tile as “Design of Hexagonal Shaped Plus Slot Embedded Two Port MIMO Antenna for Wireless Applications” In Industrial Engineering Journal, Volume: 53, Issue 8, No.3, August: 2024.
Published a Paper tile as “Compact Broadband MIMO Antenna with Reduced Mutual Coupling and Improved Diversity Gain For 5G Applications” In Industrial Engineering Journal, Volume: 53, Issue 8, No.2, August: 2024.
B.Ramamohan,P.Sravani,P.Suresh,V.Satyavathi,Ch.Venkatesh, “OFDM Systems and PAPR Reduction Along with Channel Estimation”IOSR Journals of Electronics and Communication Engineering ,vol 11.issue 2,March-2016.
B.Ramamohan,B.Gopica,K.Srilaxmi,D.Alekhya,B.Bhaskar rao,”Face Recognition by using gabor feature extraction and neural networks” IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communications Engineering (IOSR-JECE) e-ISSN:2278-2834,p-ISSN:2278-8735.vol. 10,issue 2,ver II(mar-aprl,2015),pp 68-72.
B.Ramamohan,R.V.S.Manohar,Y.L Anusha,Y.Suresh,”Mineral Detection using K-Means Clustering Technique” International journal of Engineering Rearch and Applications ISSN:2248-9622,vol.4,issue 4(version 1),april 2014,pp.
B.Ramamohan, P.Srihari “A Novel Watermarking Technique using visual cryptography with blow fish techniques” International journal modern engineering Research (IJMER),vol 2,issue 4,july-aug,2012 pp-2843-2847.
B.Ramamohan,M.Srinivasa rao,K.Venkata Teja,J.Durga Harika,K.Murali “Reduction of PAPER In OFDM system Using Haar Wavelet Based Approach” International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology(IJEIT),Volume 3,Issue 7,January 2014.
Published a Paper tile as “Design of Frequency Reconfigurable Dual-Band Rectangular Ring-Shaped Antenna with High Isolation” in Wireless, Antenna & Microwave Symposium (WAMS)-2024.
Published a Paper tile as “Design of Compact 4x4 MIMO Antenna for High-Speed Connectivity in the X-Band Applications” in IEEE 2024 Intelligent Signal Processing and Effective Communication Technologies (INSPECT 2024).
Published a paper title as “Design of Dumbbell Shaped Antenna for Wearable Applications “International conference of Intelligent computing in control and communication (ICCC-2020), Springer..
Published a paper with title as “A Novel reconfigurable G shaped patch antenna for wireless IoT applications using BAR64-02W PIN diode “first international conference on Advances in Physical sciences and materials (ICAPSM 2020).
Published a Paper tile as “Multi Wideband Hexagonal-Spiral Microstrip Band-Pass Filter for Wireless Applications” in IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018.