Participated in one week FDP on Learning through virtual labs for the Technical Institutions organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, LIET in association with NIT Karnataka, Surathkal from 18 to 22 October 2023.
Attended One Week AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Program on “Machine Learning and its Applications” (Phase-I) from 02/11/2021 to 07/11/2021 organized by Lendi institute of Engineering and Technology, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy.
Attended three days online FDP on “Accelerating Research ” organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology from 27th- 29th, August 2020.
Attended 40 hrs online FDP on “Machine Learning for Signal Processing” organised by Meity, E&ICT Warangal and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology from 25th october- 5th, November 2021.
Attended one day Training Program on “Virtual labs ” organised by Virtual labs Nodal Centre, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology 22nd, May 2021.
Participated in one week workshop on “advances digital signal processing” In MVGR college of engineering vizinagaram 2017
Participated in three days workshop on “signal processing” in GMRIT Rajam 2017
Participated in six days workshop on “ IoT Design and Applications” in lendi institute of engineering and technology 2017.
Participated in six days workshop on “ Advances in VLSI design using EDA tools” in lendi institute of engineering and technology 2017.
Participated One week workshop on ”Advances in practical RF antenna design conducted by NIT-W at LENDI Institute of engineering technology 13th SEPT-18TH SEPT 2016.
Participated A two day workshop on “Xilinx FPGA based embedded and DSP design “organized by Dept. of ECE association with “COREEL” at lendi institute of engg& tech in jan-2015
Participated A two day workshop on “Internet Of Things” “organized by Dept. of ECE association with “PHYTEC” at lendi institute of engg& tech in jan-2015
Participated workshop on “Network Simulation Using NS2” in association with NEXGEN solutions at lendi institute of engg &tech in 27th -31st DEC 2013
Participated In MAT Lab Conference Conducted In Vizag.
Participated In FALICAON Conference Conducted In Vizag.
On the Effect of High Power Amplifier Nonlinearity on MC-CDMA Systems Using Spreading Sequences [International Conference on Computing Communication and Information Technology 2012] in BONFRING publish.
Real Time Face Tracking By Using Nave Bayers Classifier In IOSR
Performance Analysis Of Multi Carrier CDMA Systems In IJIRCCE Journal
Detection Of Implanted Devices In Underground By Using UWB Penetrating Radar With Support Of PN Code In IJIRCCE Vol. 3, Issue 3.
Detection Of Parkinson’s Disease By Speech Analysis In IJIRCCE Vol. 3, Issue 3
Image Smoothing By Low Gradient Minimization, In IOSR Journal Of Electronics And Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE)
Design Optimization Of Micro Strip Patch Antenna Using Genetic Algorithm In Volume 2 Issue 6 Of Our Journal IJSRCSAMS
Reduction Of Side Lobes In Radar Signal Spectrum By Using Codes In IJERT 2016 Along With Conference 2016
Routing of leo-based satellite using guided mode in IJEAS 2016
Automatic vehicle plate number reorganization with filtering methods in IJEAS 2017
De noising of image using median filters methods in IJEAS 2017.
Performance analysis of underwater communication using different modulation techniques in journal of green Engineering in 2021
Analysis of UWOC using IBOC technology In spinger conference in 2022
Machine Learning Based analysis and classification of Rhizome Rot Disease in Turmeric plants in IIJFNS(UGC care 1 list) journal in 2023