Completed the EDUSKILLS- Blue Prism Internship
Completed the EDUSKILLS- Google Android Developer INTERNSHIP.
Completed the workshop on AI -TOOLS
Title:Secure LI-FI enabled communication and tactical Networks
Published in:-International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering &Management.
Title:Enhanced Privacy for Health Records Using Blockchain Technologies.
Published in:-International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering &Management.
Title:Automated Detection of Rheumatic Heart Disease Via Unsegmented Heart Sound Analysis
Published in:-International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering &Management.
Title:Finding vitamin deficiency presence or absence with checking availability through machine learning
Conference Name:3rd International conference on Innovations in Data Analytics(ICIDA-2024)-Springer
Advanced Gait analysis leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence:A comprehensive approach to bio chemical assessment and predictive health monitoring.
To be published by:Bentham Science
©Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology - Established 2008