1. Budimure Ramana Babu“Energy Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Networks using ANT Colony Optimization approach to the Internet of things: Comparative Analysis", IEEE COMSOC Vol. 16, No. 7, March 2022 (SCI Indexing )
2. Budimure Ramana Babu, " Intelligent Behavioral and Cognitive Image Tweet Hashtag Replicating with a Textually Advanced Ranking System using Machine Learning" (SCI Indexing and Waiting for
Publication- Arabic Journal )
3.Budimure. Ramana Babu, "RFA: reanalyze requests for ADMINSHIP over the Wikipedia" in Indian Journal of Automation and Artificial Intelligence, Vol 4
(1), January 2017.
4.Budimure Ramana Babu, “Statistically efficient control scheme for undersea surveillance for sonar ranging and detection”, Indian Journal of Automation and Artificial Intelligence, Vol 4 (1), January 2017 ISSN (online): 2320-4001.
5.Budimure.Ramana Babu,” An Efficient Approach for Detecting Dengue Using the Processing Power of Mobile Phones and Social Networks”, CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering ,
Vol 9, No 4 May 2017
6.Budimure Ramana Babu, “A Novel Method for Clustering Words in Micro-Blogs Texts and its Application toEvent Discovery”, Data Mining And Knowledge Engineering, Vol 9, No 4 (2017).
8.Budimure Ramana Babu, "Implementation of Authenticated Hybrid Quantum Key Distribution Protocols for Wireless LANs". in International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, Volume:02, Issue No: 08, August2016.
9.Budimure Ramana Babu, “Energy Enhanced Intelligent Secure Data Communication for Heterogeneous Networks”. ( Under Final Review- IEEE& Wiley Publications)
1.The effect of prerequisite engineering processes on the production of risk factors in software development. Accelerating Discoveries in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence II. ICDSAI 2023. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 438. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-51163-9_22
2.“Recognition of Indian gestural language through neural networks. : Narrative approach”, 2nd International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing (ICCIC). Cognitive Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-2746-3_73.
3 Presented a paper & Attended a 2- Day" 6th International Conference on “Information System Design andIntelligent Applications”, organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering And Technology, Visakhapatnam on 1st& 2nd Nov 2019.
4.Presented a paper in 2nd International Conference on "Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics(ICMLBDA) "2022 Organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, on 28 -30 March 2022.
5.Presented a paper & Attended a 2- Day 6th International Conference on “Information System Design andIntelligent Applications”, organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering And Technology,Visakhapatnam on 1st& 2nd Nov 2019.
6.” Implementation of Authenticated Hybrid Quantum Key Distribution Protocols for Wireless LANs” International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology ,Volume: 02, Issue No: 08,
August 2016, ISSN: 2455-3778.
7.“Extension of LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks”, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering Volume 6, Issue (5) Sept., NCRTCST-2015,ISSN 2249–071X.
1."Energy Enhanced Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous Networks", B Ramana babu, Intelligent Systems Reference Library., 2023, 240, pp. 25–33.
1.Title of the Patent: Intelligent Conversational AI System With Enhanced Natural Language Processing ( Application NO: 202341073633) Published Date: 15/12/2023.
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