International & National Seminars and Workshops Attended
Content Based retrieval on databases using Mobile AGENTS-GMRIT RAJAM.
A five-daynational workshop on STASTICAL COMPUTING sponsored by DST held at GMRIT ON 2010.
A two-day national workshop on Application Development Using .NET held at GMRIT-RAJAM ON 2012.
A two-day national workshop on Data Mining using clementine workbench held at GMRIT-RAJAM in 2011
A two-day national workshop on hands on training NS2 Simulator kongu Engineering College Tamil Nadu in 2013.
Attended MATLAB &SIMULINK for Engineering Education on 2013.
A two-day national workshop on “Designing of Wireless Communication Networks Using Simulators” during 14th&15th February 2014.
Attended a one-week faculty development program on” Analytics with R” at Lendi Institute of engineering & technology.
IBM congratulated for enablement of cloud (IBM Bluemix) successfully
Attended one day FDP workshop on Mobile computing and digital learning in TCS, Hyderabad in 2016.
Attended A Two Day work shop on Big Data & Hadoop in VVIT Guntur in 2016
International Journals
Anji Reddy.V and Badal Soni “Breast Cancer Identification and Diagnosis Techniques “ Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, Springer 2020 3689-23.
Sudeer Reddy, Anji Reddy.v “Prediction of Covid-19 Outbreak in India by Employing Epidemiological Models “ Journal of computer science , Scopus indexed , 2020.
Badal Soni, Angshuman Bora, Arpita Ghosh, and Anji Reddy “RFSVM: A Novel Classification Technique for Breast Cancer Diagnosis “ IJITEE,2019 , Scopus indexed by Elsevier , ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12.
Badal Soni, Anji Reddy. V, Naresh Babu Muppalaneni, Candy Lalrempuii “Image Forgery Detection using AKAZE Keypoint Feature Extraction and Trie Matching” ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1,Scopus indexed by Elsevier 2020.
Anji Reddy Vaka , Badal Soni , Sudheer Reddy K.“ Breast cancer detection by leveraging Machine Learning “ICT Express – SCIE ,Elsevier Journal 2020,
Gudla Sateesh , B.Padmaja , Srikanth .T , Anji Reddy.V “ An Iot Framework For Plant Monitoring In Urban Areas To Alleviate Global Warming “Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology,2021, ISSN No : 1006-7930.
Evaluation for routing protocols in mobile ad-hoc networks by using NS2: IJERT, ISSN: 2278- 0181 ?
Improved Vector Median Filtering Algorithm for High Density Impulse Noise Removal in Microarray Images: Global Journal of computer science &technology, Volume 12 Issue 2 Version 1.0 January 2012, Online ISSN: 0975-4172& Print ISSN: 0975- 4350.
Performance evaluation of AODV and ZRP routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks” in IJERT Volume 2, Issue 2,Feb 2014 :Paper id: IJERTFEB201426.
Mobility management Approaches For mobile IP Networks” in IJCSIT Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 975-977 Mar2014