International & National Seminars and Workshops Attended
Workshops/Seminars Attended:
Three-Day workshop on "Recent Trends in Image and Computer Vision Research" at AITAM , TEKKALI
One-Day workshop on "Data Communications " at Andhra University
One-Day workshop on "Big Data Analytics and Cloud Computing" at JNTUK, Kakinada
One-day workshop on "Trends in J2me and Android" at LIET, VZM with the sponsoring of NIIT
One-Day workshop on “Network Simulation using NS2" by NEX-G | ICT
A 3-day "IMPACT" Training program for Youth Graduates at Visakhapatnam
Inspire Science Exhibition Program conducted by GOVT of A.P.
National Network security Championship –India program at LIET,VZM
“Internet of Things” organized by ECE Department in LIET,VZM
I awarded the “Certificate of Recognition ” for the enthusiastic efforts put in to UpSkill learners during GUVI’s RPA “ SKILL-A-THON 2020”
Faculty Development Programs Attended:
Refresher course on Essential Foundations of Teaching and Researching Artificial Neural Networks, January 8 – 10, 2010, AITAM, Tekkali
One day faculty Orientation Program on “CoEeRD” at JNTUK,VZM
3-Day Faculty Development Programme on “Data Mining and Business Intelligence” at LIET,VZM(09-03-2015 to 11-03-2015)
2-Week Faculty Development Programme on “Entrepreneurship Innovation & Incubation” at VIT, Vellore (01-06-2015 to 13-06-2015)
2-week DST sponsored FDP on Big Data Analytics” in ACE Engineering College ,Hyderabad (08-06-2016 to 18-06-2016)One Week Faculty Development Programme on “IoT” at LIET, VZM (10-07-2017 to 15-07-2017)
One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Hadoop(Hortonworks)” at LIET, VZM (29-01-2018 to 02-02-2018)
One Week Faculty Development Programme on “AESIoT” by EEE Dept. at LIET, VZM (16-04-2018 to 21-04-2018)
One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Applied Cryptography” by CSE Dept. at LIET, VZM (25-03-2019 to 30-03-2019)
TALE FDP Certificate from NPTEL
webinar on” Employability Skills in Curriculum Deign ” on April 26, 2020
NAAC Awareness Program - University @ Fri May 8, 2020 9:30am - 11:30am
online FDP, on “Machine Learning for Beginners”, which is organized by “Sphoorthy Engineering College”
online FDP, on BIG DATA ENGINEERING, which is organized by our department
1Week FDP on “TEACHING ETIQUETTE & BEST PRACTICES” (10-05-20 to 15-05-20) which is conducted by Department of CSE of Santhiram College, Nandya
one week FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” (13-05-2020 to 18-05-2020) which is conducted by Department of CSE of Santhiram College, Nandyal
Participated online FDP on “AI” which is conducted by Department of CSE of our College (22-05-2020 to 26-05-2020)
Participated Three Day online FDP on “Cloud Datacenter Infrastructure” which is conducted by Department of CSE of KHIT College (18-05-2020 to 20-05-2020)
Participated Two Day online FDP on “Innovative Techniques for Effective Teachin
Online and Offline” which is conducted by Department of M&H Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (12-06-2020 to 13-06-2020)
I Participated in “ GIST – 2020 (Guidance on Innovation, Science & Technology) ” which is conducted by MIP team to Promote Science & Technology (08-06-2020 to 23-06-2020)
Participated Three Day online FDP on “Industrial Artificial Intelligence ” which is conducted by Department of CSE ,EEE & MECH Association with T&P and EDWISELYof LIET (15-06-2020 to 17-06-2020
I am Conducted & Participated in a Three Day Faculty Development Programme on "Information Security & Cryptography" from 20-06-2020 to 22-06-2020 at LIET
Online Courses:
Teaching and Learning in Engineering (TALE) online certification course from NPTEL(Feb-Mar 2019)
I am Successfully Completed online Course on “Block chain Basics” University at Buffalo and The State University of New York and offered through Coursera
I am Successfully Completed online Course on “Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19” authorized by University of Toronto and offered through Coursera
I am Successfully Completed online Course on “DevOps Culture and Mindset” authorized by University of California, Davis and offered through Coursera
I am Passing the Course on “Java Programming “ with the Score 97% from NPTEL
International Journals
"Avoiding Congestion collapse in Networks using Network Border patrol " (IJETAE), ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3,
"A Group Testing Based Approach for Detecting Application Denial of Service Attacks" publication in International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications(IJERA)
"An Efficient Guarding By Detecting Intrusions In Multi-Tier Web Applications” IN IJCSIT
Distributed Streaming With Network Diversity IN IJRTE
Intentional Hidden Data Extraction from Digital Media using Spread Spectrum IN IJERM
Key Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Sharing in Cloud Storage in IJARCST
“ A Novel Approach to Provide Security for the Digital Data by using reversible Texture Synthesis “ in IJCA JOURNAL,ISSUE 6, VOLUME 5
“Identify-based Encryption with Server revocation Authority using Password Authenticated key Exchange” in IJTRE ,Volume 4, Issue 8
“A Primitive Way of Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning” in “The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis” and ISSN NO:0886-9367, Volume XII, Issue V, May/2020
National Conferences
Southern Regional Conference – 2010 0n Advances in Information and Communication Technology, January 28 – 30, 2010, Computer Society of India, Visakhapatnam Chapter, Visakhapatnam
6th International Conference on “Information System Design and Intelligent Applications”(INDIA2019) ,1st NOV-2nd NOV organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering in Association with CSI in Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology