Mandatory Disclosure 2025-26 NIRF-2025 Data for Innovation NIRF-2025 Data for Engineering Colleges NIRF-2025 Data for Overall Mandatory Disclosure 2024-25

PLACEMENTS - Amazon - 5 , Accenture - 70 , TCS - 100 , Infosys - 48 , Bosch - 4 , Hexaware - 84 , Tech Mahindra - 8 , Capgemini - 40 , Cisco - 2 , Cognizant - 43 , IBM - 6 , Wipro - 90 , Virtusa - 80 , Mindtree , NTT Data , Inveniolsi , Hyundai - 6 , Deloitte , PWC , Tvarana , HCL , Techigai , Apps Associates , Aptroid , Pennant , Veda , ZenQ , Infolabs , KPIT Many More.....

Dr V  Prasad

Dr V Prasad

Professor, CSE

17 Years


Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Seminars & Workshops

International & National Seminars and Workshops Attended

  • Participated in 1 Week  faculty development program organized by CSE Dept, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology in association with Braino-O-Vision on "AI Tools" in the month of Feb 2025.
  • Participated in 1 Week  faculty development program organized by CSE Dept, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology in association with National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh on the Application for Short Term Course " Fundamentals of IOT" from 24.04.2023 to 28.04.2023.

International Journals


  1. Prasad, V., Jeba Jingle, I. D., & Sriramakrishnan, G. V. (2024). DTDO: Driving Training Development Optimization enabled deep learning approach for brain tumour classification using MRI. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 35(4), 520–561.
  2. Prasad, V., Ganeshan, R. & Rajeswari, R. Artificial gannet optimization enabled deep convolutional neural network for autism spectrum disorders classification using MRI image. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 74757–74783 (2024).
  3. Vadamodula Prasad, Emil Selvan G. S. R. & Ramkumar M. P. (2023) ADTBO: Aquila driving training-based optimization with deep learning for skin cancer detection, The Imaging Science Journal, DOI: 10.1080/13682199.2023.2226894
  4. Prasad, V., Sriramakrishnan, G.V. & Diana Jeba Jingle, I. Autism spectrum disorder detection using brain MRI image enabled deep learning with hybrid sewing training optimization. SIViP (2023).
  5. Vadamodula Prasad, Vairamuthu S & Selva Rani B (2023) K-Net-Deep joint segmentation with Taylor driving training optimizatio based deep learning for brain tumor classification using MRI, The Imaging Science Journal, Volume 71, Number 2, Pages: 1-21, DOI: 10.1080/13682199.2023.2208963, ISSN: 1743-131X.
  6. V Prasad, (2022), "An Ensemble Approach to Predict the Presence of Cardio Vascular Disease using Machine Learning and Deep Learning", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol 09, Issue 10, PP-c559-c563, October 2022. ISSN: 2359-5162.
  7. V Prasad, (2022), "A Framework for Image Steganography Using Deep Learning Algorithm", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol 09, Issue 10, PP-c513-c518, October 2022. ISSN: 2359-5162.
  8. V Prasad, Shaikh Razia, Gutta Sridevi,  "Applications of Machine Learning  andAuxilliary Tumor Treatment in the  process of Medical Resource Allocation ", ECS Transactions, Volume 107, Number 01, March 2022,  ISSN: 1938-5862.
  9. V Prasad, D Siva Krishna, Identification, Retrieval and Validation of Aadhar Data using Behavoiral Continuos Authentication of Finger Print, Journal of Chengdu University of Technology (Science and Technology Edition), Volume 6, Issue 08, Aug 2021.
  10. V Prasad, R Priya Vaijayanthi, K Somesh, Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from Medical Imaging using Machine Learnng Algorithms, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,Volume 29, Issue 6 , PP: 6021-6026.
  11. V Prasad, R Priya Vaijayanthi, K Somesh, Autism at ease: An Assitive Too for Autistic Children,International Journal of Pyschosocial Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Issue 6, PP: 9513-9525.
  12. V Prasad, GNV Raja Reddy "Enhanced Approach on Permissible Datasets using Swarm and Genetic Intelligence" ,International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE), Volume 7 Issue 5S4, PP 153-159, Feb 2019. ISSN: 2277-3878.
  13. Prasad, V. & Krishna. S.D.” A Novel & Proposed Comprehensive Methodology using deep convolutional neural networs for Flue Cured Tobacco Leaves Classification” International Journal of Information Technology (2018), Springer.
  14. Prasad, V. & Rao, T.S.” Permissible thyroid datasets assessment through kernel PC Algorithm and Vapnik Chervonenkis theory for categorization and classification” Data-Enabled Discov. Appl. (2017), Springer, 1: 5.
  15. Vadamodula, Prasad, et al. “Comparative Study on Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation of Adhoc networks for three zones over a network via non homogeneous conditions." IJISET. Volume 04, Issue 04, Pages : 84-90, ISBN: 2348-7968,  2017.
  16. Vadamodula, Prasad, et al. "Scrutiny of Data Sets Through Procedural Algorithms for Categorization." Data Engineering and Intelligent Computing. Springer, Singapore, 2018. 437-444.
  17. V Prasad ” Wireless Home and Industrial Security System Using GSM .“, International Journal of Research in Computer Applications and Information theory (IJRCAIT),Volume 04, Issue 04, Pages : 001-006,DOA: 08062016,  2016.
  18. V Prasad ” Home Automation using radio frequency.“, International Journal of Exploring Emerging Trends in Engineering (IJEETE),Volume 03, Issue 04, Pages : 259-263, ISBN: 2394-0573,  2016.
  19. V Prasad ” Secure User data using encryption for preserving private data in cloud.“, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology  (IJISET),Volume 03, Issue 08, Pages : 208-220, ISBN: 2348-7968,  2016.
  20. V Prasad ” Image restoration and topological optimization.“, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA),Volume 22, Issue 01, Pages : 17-21, ISBN: 0975-8887,  2011.
  21. V Prasad , Dr T Srinivasa Rao” Implementation of data access control scheme for secure multi authority cloud storage.“, International Journal for Technological Research in  Engineerin (IJTRE),Volume 03, Issue 01, Pages : 62-65, Dec 2015.
  22. V Prasad , Dr T Srinivasa Rao” Comparitive study of medical datasets IETD and UCITD using statistical methods.“, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),Volume 02, Issue 08, Pages : 1056-1064, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, Nov 2015.
  23. V Prsad, Dr T Srinivasa Rao , Prof PVGD Prasad Reddy "Improvied prophecy using regularization method of machine learning algorithms on medical data”, DOI: 10.10.16/j.pmu.2015.09.001, ELSEVIER.
  24. V Prasad , Dr T Srinivasa Rao” Standard Cog Exploration on Medicinal Data“,International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA),Volume 119, Issue 10, Pages : 34-38, ISBN: 0975-8887, June 2015.
  25. V Prasad , Dr T Srinivasa Rao,” Implementation of Regularization Method Ridge Regression on Specific Medical Datasets”, International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Information Technology, Volume 3 Issue 2, ISSN Print: 2348-0009  , ISSN Online: 2347-5099 , Pages: 25-33, May 2015.
  26. V Prasad , Dr T Srinivasa Rao, Prof M Surendra  Prasad Babu,” Thyroid Disease Diagnose via Hybrid Architecture composing Rough Data Sets and Machine Learning  Algorithms”, DOI: 10.1007/s00500-014-1581-5.,Journal: Soft Computing,©Springer.
  27. V Prasad , Dr T Srinivasa Rao,B Mahesh” Information Clustering Based Upon Rough Sets”, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research  (IJSETR)”, Volume 3 , Issue 41, Pages :.8330-8333,ISSN: 2319-8885, November  . 2014.
  28. V Prasad , Dr T Srinivasa Rao” Health Diagnosis Expert Advisory System on Trained Data Sets for Hyperthyroid “,International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA),Volume 102, Issue 3, Pages : 40-48, ISBN: 0975-8887, September 2014.
  29. V Prasad “Human Motion Detection Using Passive Infra Red Sensor., “International Journal of Research in Computer Applications & Information © IASTER 2014, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages :28-32.
  30. V Prasad “Defend Data using ELGAMAL Digital Signature Data Decryption Algorithm.,” (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Volume 5 , Issue 4, Pages : 5062-5067.
  31. V Prasad “Plug In Generator To Produce Various Output For Unique Data., “ International Journal of Research in Engineering and Sciences( IJRES) , Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages :14-20.
  32. V Prasad , Dr T Srinivasa Rao, Prof M Surendra Prasad Babu “Offline Analysis & Optimistic Approach on Livestock Expert Advisory System”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning(IJAIML) ,Volume 5,Issue 12, Print: ISSN 0974 – 9667 , Online: ISSN 0974 – 9543, DOI:AIML122013003 ,December 2013.

National Conferences

  1. V Prasad and Meesala Venkata Sai Ajit "Design and Development of e-mirror alias smart mirror using machine learning algorithms", Proceedings published in 8th International Multidisciplinary E-Conference on National Education Policy 2020: Focus on Learning and Student Centric Education System (Issues & Challenges) organized by Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts, Science and Commerce on 24-25th Sep 2022, Volume 9,Issue 3,PP: 31-35.

  2. Madhulatha K, Sadhika K, V. Prasad "Statistical Approach of Recalling Prediction Risk and Error Using Vapnik Chervonenkis Theory" Recent Trends in Graduate Research-2018, GMR Institute of Technology, Proceedings published in International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER), Vol. 2 Issue 8, Pages: 86-89,  ISSN: 2000-001X, 24th August 2018.

  3. V Prasad ,Dr T Srinivasa Rao, M Purnachandra Rao,” Proportional analysis of non linear trained datasets on identified test datasets.“, International Conference on recent trends and research issues in computer science & engineering. (ICRTRICSE-2015), Volume 1 Issue 1,May 2015.

International Conferences

  1. V. Prasad, P. Vellivel and R. Chandru, "Machine Learning Algorithms to Model Crash Severity and Collision(s)," 2022 IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference (NKCon), Vijaypur, India, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/NKCon56289.2022.10126528.
  2. V. Prasad, R. Jeevitha and L. Sreedhar, "A Novel Ensemble Learning Approach to Detect Parkinson's Disease," 2022 IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference (NKCon), Vijaypur, India, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/NKCon56289.2022.10126884.
  3. V. Prasad, P. Venkateswarlu, S. S. H. Raju and N. K. Darwante, "ANN Modelling based on Machine Learning Approach to Accomplish Energy Source," 2022 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, Coimbatore, India, 2022, pp. 1278-1284, doi: 10.1109/ICECA55336.2022.10009292.
  4. Vadamodula, P., Cristin, R., Daniya, T. (2023). Design and Development of a Digital Preservation Voice Enabled Application for Cultural Heritage Towards Fishing in Vernacular Language. In: Ranganathan, G., Bestak, R., Fernando, X. (eds) Pervasive Computing and Social Networking. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 475. Springer, Singapore.
  5. Vadamodula, P., Cristin, R., Daniya, T. (2022). Web Based Voice Assistant for Railways Using Deep Learning Approach.  In: Karuppusamy, P., García Márquez, F.P., Nguyen, T.N. (eds)Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems. ICUIS 2021. Smart Innovation,  Systems and Technologies, vol 302. Springer, Singapore.
  6. V Prasad, K Jeevan Vamsi " Design and Development of Hindrance application using vocal and quick responsible code for railway"  ICMEET 2019, 5th International Conference on Micro Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications, Raghu Institute of Technology , Visakhapatnam, 6th & 7th, December 2019,1-8 ( Publication in Springer LNEE)
  7. V Prasad, M Vineeth Kumar "Unique Identification Authority of INDIA BOT: An Intelligent Application"  INDIA 2019, 6th International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Applications, Lendi Institute of Technology , Visakhapatnam, 1st & 2nd , November 2019,1-8 ( Publication in Springer AISC)
  8. V Prasad ,Dr T Srinivasa Rao,” Scrutiny of data sets through procedural algorithms for categorization.“, International Conference. (IC3T-2016), Accepted for Publication in Springer Advances in intelligent systems and computing (AISC), ISSN No: 2194-5357.
  9. V Prasad ,Dr T Srinivasa Rao, Prof M Surendra Prasad Babu” TDD via Hybrid Architecture composing Rough Data Sets and ML Algorithms”, Second International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing , Information, Communication and Applications”, (ERCICA-2014), Volume 1, Issue 1, August 2014.

List of Memberships

  • Association for Computing Machinery, ACM Reg #: 0358182
  • International Association of Engineers, IAENG Reg #: 390257
  • Member of IEEE & ISTE
  • Computer Society of India, CSI Reg #: F8000387
Projects & Others

List of Projects

Projects converted as Patents and Published:

  • V Prasad, AI based Automatic Prediction System to predict and diagnosis of various heart disease to prevent with early stage with affordable rate using Data Mining and Deep Learning Algorithms, Intellectual Property India,2022.
  • V Prasad, Real Time Smart Multilingual Interactive System for Passenger, Intellectual Property India,2020.

Other Infromation



Certifications in Proctored and Trained Courses

  • Top performing mentor for the course Machine Learning at Swayam, NPTEL, 2022.
  • Top performing mentor for the course Data Science for Engineers at Swayam, NPTEL, 2018.
  • Top performing mentor for the course Fundamentals of Database at Swayam, NPTEL, 2017.
  • Certification in AI in association with APSSDC, 2020.
  • Certification in  Fundamentals of AI via Wipro Furture Skills on, 2019.
  • Certified Trainer in Meditation from Center for Human Excellence, CHE, 2018
  • Certified Trainer in Design the Thinking  from from FinTech Pvt Ltd., Chennai, 2017.
  • Awarded with Dein – Carnegie Certification In High Impact Presentation Skills,  Wipro 2010.
  • Andhra University Topper in 2007-09 admitted M.Tech(CST-AI & R ) Batch, 2009.