Mandatory Disclosure 2025-26 NIRF-2025 Data for Innovation NIRF-2025 Data for Engineering Colleges NIRF-2025 Data for Overall Mandatory Disclosure 2024-25

PLACEMENTS - Amazon - 5 , Accenture - 70 , TCS - 100 , Infosys - 48 , Bosch - 4 , Hexaware - 84 , Tech Mahindra - 8 , Capgemini - 40 , Cisco - 2 , Cognizant - 43 , IBM - 6 , Wipro - 90 , Virtusa - 80 , Mindtree , NTT Data , Inveniolsi , Hyundai - 6 , Deloitte , PWC , Tvarana , HCL , Techigai , Apps Associates , Aptroid , Pennant , Veda , ZenQ , Infolabs , KPIT Many More.....

Dr Satyanarayana  M

Dr Satyanarayana M

Professor, CSE

15 Years


NETWORKS ( Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks)

Seminars & Workshops

International & National Seminars and Workshops Attended

FDPs - 29

  1. Attended one-week FDP on “AI Tools and Techniques for Research” from 9th to 13th December 2024, Organized by the Department of Business and Administration and IQAC, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
  2. Attended one–week FDP on “ Next Generation IoT: The convergence of designing Robust and scalable Applications” from 2nd to 7th December 2024, Organized by AVANTH Institute of Engineering and Technology (A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
  3. Attended One-Week FDP on “ OBE & NEP 2020” from 10th to 14th June 2024, Organized by IQAC - VITS AP University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  4. Attended One-Week National Level PDP on “ Deep Learning for Computer Vision and its Applications” from 6th to 11th Feb 2024, Organized by VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nizam pet, Hyderabad, T.S., India.
  5. Attended one-week FDP on “Machine Learning in Big Data Applications and Security Challenges” from 24-29 April 2023. Organized by MLR Institute of Technology: Dundigal, Hyderabad, T.S., India.
  6. Attended one-week AICTE Sponsored FDP on “Research Avenues in Machine Learning and AI for Social Issues (2022) from 14-18 March 2022. Organized by NIT Silchar, India.
  7. Attended one-week AICTE-ATAL Sponsored FDP on “Discussion on Data Science Tools and NEP Policies for Engineers” from Dec 13 – 17, 2021. Organized by IIIT Kota, India.
  8. Attended one week of Online FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” from 08.11.2021 to 12.11.2021. Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal., Telangana, India.
  9. Attended one-week AICTE-ATAL-sponsored FDP on “Introductory Data Science and Deep Learning” from July 16 – 20, 2021. Organized by IIIT Raipur, India.
  10. Attended one-week AICTE-ATAL Sponsored FDP on “Data Sciences” from November 02-06, 2020. Organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, India.
  11. Attended 20 Days FDP Program on “R Programming ” from 7th  Sep – 05th Oct 2020. Organized by Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation(APSSDC), Andhra Pradesh, India.
  12. Attended the Four-Week FDP Program on “AI and DEEP LEARNING ” from 1st July – 28th July 2020. Organized by Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation(APSSDC), Andhra Pradesh, India.
  13. Attended one week of Online FDP on “PYTHON WEB APPLICATION FRAMEWORK USING FLASK AND DJANGO” organized by Dept.  of CSE, Pragati Engineering College(A) in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay from 1/6/20 to 6/6/20.
  14. Attended an 5 Day Online Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “Python for Data Science” from 1st JUN - 5th JUN 2020. Organized by RAGHU Engineering College.
  15. Attended participated & completed AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy One-Week Online FDP on "Data Sciences" from 25-05-2020 to 29-05-2020 at the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL TEACHERS TRAINING AND RESEARCH, CHANDIGARH.
  16. Attended a Two-Week FDP Program on “The Internet of Things” from 18th May – 30th May 2020. Organized by Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation(APSSDC), Andhra Pradesh, India.
  17. Attended an 5 Day Online Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “ Artificial Intelligence”  form  22nd to 26th May 2020. Organized by Dept. of CSE, Engineering, and Technology Program, GVP College for Degree and PG Courses(A), in collaboration with BRAIN O VISION.
  18. Attended 5 Day Online Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “ Introduction to Data Science”  form 18th -22nd May 2020. Organized by Guntur Engineering College. Guntur.
  19. Attended a 5 Day Online Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “UNIVERSAL HUMAN VALUES AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS” from 13th to 17th May 2020 Organized by Chebrolu Engineering College, Guntur, Association with JNTUK University, Kakinada.
  20. Attended a 1 Day online Faculty Development Program on “OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION SOFTWARE” on 14-05-2020 organized by Vmedulife Software Solutions.
  21. Attended a 1 Day online Faculty Development Program(FDP) on  “ CYBER SECURITY” on 12th May 2020 organized by Chalapathi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Guntur association with CSI & INDIAN SERVERS.
  22. Attended a One-Week FDP Program on “R Programming” Organized by the Center for Virtual Learning, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College in Association with IIT Bombay, from 4th May – 10th May 2020.
  23. Attended a One-Week FDP Program on “Python” Organized by the Center for Virtual Learning, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College in Association with IIT Bombay, from 4th May – 10th May 2020.
  24. Attended a One-Week FDP Program on “Bio Python” Organized by the Center for Virtual Learning, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College in Association with IIT Bombay, from 4th May – 10th May 2020.
  25. Attended a 2-day FDP on Introduction to Cloud Computing on 13th - 14th May 2019. Conducted by ICT Academy and Organized by GVP College for Degree & PG Courses, Visakhapatnam.
  26. Attended a one-week FDP on Database Design and Programming with SQL from 27th to 31st Aug 2018. Conducted by Oracle Academy and Organized by Oracle Academy & Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam.
  27. Attended a Five-day FDP on Hadoop (Horton Works) in association with ICT Academy from 30th April 2018 to 5th May 2018. Organized by Gayatri Vidya Parishad Technical Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam.
  28. Attended a 3 – 3-DAY faculty development program in Recent Advances in Data Mining and Data Warehousing on MAY 17th -19th  2012 Organized by Avanthi Institute of Research and Technological Academy Visakhapatnam.
  29. Participated in A Two-day Refresher- Course on “A PRACTICAL UNIX TCP/IP PROGRAMMING “Organized by CSE Dept., AITAM-Tekkali, on 6th, 7th Aug 2010.

 STTPs - 5

  1. Attended one-week Online STTP on “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality” from October 25th – 30th, 2021. Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MVGR College of Engineering (A), Vizianagaram, A.P, India.
  2. Attended one-week Online STTP on “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality” from August 23rd – 28th, 2021. Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MVGR College of Engineering (A), Vizianagaram, A.P, India.
  3. Attended one week of AICTE-AQIS Sponsored Online STTP on “Sensor Networks, Internet of Things and Internet of Everything” from May 17 – 22, 2021. Organized by St. MARTIN Engineering College, Secunderabad, India.
  4. Attended one-week Online STTP on “Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning using R Programming and KNIME” from September 21 – 26, 2020. Organized by Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India.
  5. Attended an AICTE-sponsored one-week STTP on  “Machine Learning Applications with R Programming”  from 05th to 11th March 2020 organized by MVGR College of Engineering(Autonomous), Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh.    


  1. Attended a One-day workshop on “Identification and Detection of Outliers for Best Regression Model in Big Data Analytics” Organized by California State University (CSUSB), USA.
  2. Attended a One-Day Workshop on “Satellite Data Analytics and Virtual Health Twins” held on 24th Apr 2023, Organized by California State University (CSUSB), USA.
  3. Organized a One-Day Workshop on IPR Awareness Program held on 1st July 2022. Organized by IQAC & IPR, Raghu Engineering College, Visakhapatnam.           
  4. Organized 3 - Day workshop on Computer Skill Development Program for Non-Teaching Staff ( CSD – NTS - 2022 ) held from 27th May 2022 to 29th  May 2022 Organized by IQAC, Raghu Engineering College, Visakhapatnam.           
  5. Attended 2 - Day Workshop on  “The Revised Accreditation Framework of NAAC-2020: The Practice of Quality Initiatives by IQAC for the Quality Enhancement in HEIs”  IQACNLW-2021 held on 14th & 15th May 2021 Organized by Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam.
  6. Attended a Hands-on Workshop on “Moodle: An Online E-learning Platform” on 30th May 2020. organized by Dept. of CSE & IT, Chameli Devi Group of Institutions, Indore
  7. Attended a one-day workshop on Networking opportunities with the experienced Conference Organizers on 20th May 2018. Organized by IEEE INDIA COUNCIL at Visakhapatnam.
  8. Participated in a 3-day National Instructional Workshop on “Cryptology (NIWC) 2017” Organized by the Cryptology Research Society of India, Kolkata, on 10th- 12th Mar 2017.
  9. Attended 2-day Workshop on Simulation of Wireless Communication Using NetSim held on 16th -17th Feb 2017, Organized by Dept. of CS&SE, AUCE(A), Andhra University.
  10.   Participated in a One-Week Foundation Course on “MATLAB & LATEX (MAL - 2016)” Organized by the Department of Electrical Engg., AU. College Of Engineering, Andhra University from 05-09 Dec 2016.
  11.   Attended a 2- Day International Workshop on Integrated Systems Health Management organized by Vignan Institute of  Information Technology, Visakhapatnam on 27th& 28th May 2016
  12.   Participated in a One-Day Workshop on “Cloud and Nano Computing-2015” Organized by the Center for Nano-Technology, AU.CE, Andhra University on 18th Dec 2015.
  13.   Participated in one day Workshop on Geospatial Technologies for Resources Evaluation and Disaster Management(GTREDM) Conducted by Dept. of Geo-Engg. Andhra University on 22nd Apr 2015  
  14.   Participated in A Two Day National Level Workshop on “Water and Sustainable Development, held from 22nd – 23rd March 2015. Organized by AU College of Engineering (A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
  15.   Participated in one one-day Training Program on IBM Bluemix held on 11th Mar 2015 held at AUCE, Andhra University.
  16.   Participated in A Two Day Workshop on “IBM DB2" (29th and 30th Jan 2015) at Dept. of CS&SE, AUCE (A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P-530003.
  17. Attended a 1-Day FDP on Computer Vision in Business held at Visakhapatnam on 20th Aug 2014, Organized by IBS Business School, Visakhapatnam.
  18.   Attended 56th National Convention on Productivity: Foundation to Sustainability from 11th to 13th Sep 2014 Organized by the Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering.
  19.   Chaired for project expo in CSI Student Annual convention on 11th-12th Dec. 2013 in Visakhapatnam.
  20.   Participated in 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India during 13th – 15th Dec. 2013, in Visakhapatnam.
  21.   Participated in a One-Day Workshop on “Best Practices in IT Project Management for FP Project Implementation “Organized by the Institute Of Electronic Governance (IEG, JKC) in April 2010.
  22. Participated in A Work Shop On “High Impact Teaching SkillsAttested by Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. Trainer and WIPRO. On the May 31st & June 1st, 2010.

International Journals

Paper Publications in National / International Journal (42):


Paper Publications in National / International Journal (42):

(Published - Scopus-9, International- 24, National- 1,

Communication-SCI/SCIE-4, Scopus / WoS-3, Others - 1)


(Communication- Under Review)

  1. Dr. Satyanarayana, “SIAMESE: Stock Prediction using a computationally efficient and robust supervised regression modeling” ( SCI Indexing – Mathematical Structures in Computer Science - manuscript ID is MSCS-2023-031 ).

  2. Dr. Satyanarayana, “OLCE: Optimized Learning-based Cost Estimation for Global Software Projects( SCI Indexing – Research Square - Submission ID 5b54f9e0-a2bc-4b63-af9c-582fdafab530)

  3. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, " Intelligent Behavioral and Cognitive Image Tweet Hashtag Replicating with a Textually Advanced Ranking System using Machine Learning" (SCI Indexing and Waiting for Publication- Arabic Journal )

  4. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, "Hybrid Energy Efficient Metaheuristic IWO-GWO Optimization Algorithm for Cluster Head Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks", (SCI Indexing and Waiting for Publication)

  5. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “ Optimal Data Aggregation using hybrid Multilayer perceptron and Invasive weed optimization (IWO) in multi sink wireless sensor networks”. ( Under Review/Communication)

  6. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “Economically Feasible Internet of Things based Precision Intelligent Agriculture Monitoring System to Improve Crop Yield”. Suranare Journal of Science and Technology Scopus Indexed ( Under Final review)

  7. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “SQL QUERY GENERATION USING NLP” High Technology Letters. ( Under Final Review-to publish).

  8. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “American Sign Language Recognition using CNN and RNN” High Technology Letters. ( Under Final Review-to publish).


  1. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “An efficient image caption generation using Google Net” Advances in Artificial-Business Analytics and Quantum Machine Learning. COMITCON 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1053. Springer, Singapore., 

  2. Dr. Satyanarayana, “Analysis of fuzzy and neural controllers in direct torque controlled synchronous motors” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,  2023, 32(2), pp. 676-687.

  3. Dr. Satyanarayana. Mummana, “Breast Cancer Classification Using Improved Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm” Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 558. Springer, Singapore.

  4. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “Recognition of Indian gestural language through neural networks. : Narrative approach”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing. ICCIC 2022. Cognitive Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore.

  5. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “The effect of prerequisite engineering processes on the production of risk factors in software development.” 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (ICDSAI) 2023, Organized by California State University (CSUSB), USA and Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vizianagaram, A.P,  India.

  6. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “Energy Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Networks using ANT Colony Optimization approach to the Internet of Things: Comparative Analysis", IEEE COMSOC Vol. 16, No. 7, March 2022.

  7. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “A Microservice Architecture with load balancing mechanism in cloud Environment”. 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics(ICMLBDA) 2022 on 28th- 30th March 2022. Organized by the Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, on  28 -30 March 2022.

  8. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “An Enhanced skin Cancer detection & classification system using (GLCM-ABCD-SVM) Machine Learning”, Mukt Shabd Journal, Vol X, Issue IX, Sep-2021.

  9. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “A Novel Fault Diagnosis Method for various rotating machinery using Deep Convolutional Neural Network” International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, IJMTE Vol: XI, Issue VI, June 2021.

  10. Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “Network Topology Protection Defense Using Compositional Neural Networks”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, IJCRT, Vol-9, Issue-7,

  11. Satyanarayana. Mummana, Pathan A., Rao N.T., Bhattacharyya D. (2021) “Artificial Intelligence-Based Vehicle Recognition Model to Control the Congestion Using Smart Traffic SignalsSpringer – Jan 2021 - Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 10. Springer, Singapore.

  12. Satyanarayana. Mummana, Preethi Gandreti, Ramana Babu Budimure, “An Enhanced Approach to Extract Top-K High Productive Item setsSpringer- LNNS- 2019. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021, Communication Software and Networks, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 134,

  13. Satyanarayana. Mummana, K N Rao. “Hybrid Optimized Multi sink Network for Optimal Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks using Genetic Algorithm and Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm”, Asian J. Inform. Technol., 18 (8):193-202, 2019,

  14. Satyanarayana. Mummana, Kuda Nageswara Rao, “An Energy Efficient Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for Multi Sink WSN's Using Hybrid Firefly- Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm” International Journal of Management, Technology, And Engineering, Volume IX, Issue II, 2019 ISSN NO: 2249-7455, Page No:2557-2566.

  15. Satyanarayana. Mummana, Kuda Nageswara Rao, “Energy Optimization In Wireless Sensor Network Using Hybrid Fire-Fly And Invasive Weed Optimization”, International Journal of Management, Technology, And Engineering Volume 8, Issue XI, NOVEMBER/2018, Page No:2760-2767.

  16. Satyanarayana. Mummana, Sunil. P, “Lifetime Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Meta-heuristic Algorithms”, Anveshana’s International Journal Of Research In Engineering And Applied Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 11 (2018, November).

  17. Satyanarayana Mummana, Baratam Sindhura, “Robotic Process Automation Of Backend Process Of Feedback Using UIPath Tool”, Anveshana’s International Journal Of Research In Engg And Applied Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 11 (2018, Nov). Pg 13-20.

  18. Satyanarayana Mummana & Anvesh Reddy Annem, “Robotic Process Automation Of Operations in an Organizations Using UIPath  Tool”, Anveshana’s International Journal Of Research In Engineering And Applied Sciences, Vol 3, Issue 11 Nov-2018, Page 13-20.

  19. Satyanarayana. Mummana, “Lifetime optimization in Multi-Sink Environment using the Hybrid PSO based LEACH algorithm in WSN's”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) Vol 9, Issue 9, Sept-2018, pg 848-861

  20. Satyanarayana. Mummana, Preethi. Gandreti, & Sunil. P, “Survey on Cluster -Head Selection in Wireless   Sensor Networks using Metaheuristic Algorithms”. Anveshana’s International Journal Of Research In Engineering And Applied Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 5 (2018, May).

  21. Satyanarayana. Mummana, Kuda Nageswara Rao, “An Optimized Multi Sink Network for Optimal Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network Using Invasive Weed Optimization” (2018) Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, SCOPUS Indexed Vol. 10, 04-Special Issue, 2018.

  22. M. Satyanarayana, "RFA: reanalyze requests for ADMINSHIP over the Wikipedia" in Indian Journal of Automation and Artificial Intelligence, Vol 4 (1), January 2017.

  23. Satyanarayana. Mummana, K N Rao " Survey on Optimizing Cluster-Head selection in Wireless Sensor Networks using Hybrid Metaheuristic algorithms". in International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Tech, Vol:02, Issue No: 12, Dec 2016.

  24. Satyanarayana Mummana, " Implementation of Authenticated Hybrid Quantum Key Distribution Protocols for Wireless LANs". in International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, Volume:02, Issue No: 08, August 2016.

  25. Satyanarayana. Mummana, “Data management using Virtualization in Cloud Computing” in International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management, and Research Volume No: 2 (2015), Issue No: 9 September 2015

  26. Satyanarayana.mummana, “A Novel Model of Secure Mining with Decision Matrix Technique” in International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 5 - Apr  2014.

  27. Published a paper in International Journal on “An Efficient and Enhanced Approach for Spatial Search results” in International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 5 - Apr  2014.

  28. Published a paper in International Journal on “A Cryptographic Privacy-Preserving Approach over Classification” in International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue7- July 2013

  29. Published a paper in International Journal on “A Performance Comparison Of High Utility-Based Mining Algorithms” in International Journal of Engineering Associates (IJEA) with Satyam Narayana  et al. / IJEA      ISSN: 2320-0804 - 2013

  30. Published a paper in International Journal on “A Proximity Phrase Association Pattern Mining of  Unstructured text” in International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue5 - May 2013

  31. Published a paper International Journal on  “An Empirical Data Cleaning Technique for CFDs” in International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013.

  32. Published a paper in International Journal on “Using Dynamic Forms to Improve Data Quality” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE) - Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013   ISSN: 2277 128X

  33. Published a paper in International Journal on “Navigation-pattern based relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval” in International Journal Of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology [Ijesat] Volume-2, Issue-5, 1241 – 1246 Issn: 2250–3676, Satyanarayana Mummana* Et Al.

  34. Published a paper in the International Journal on “Temporal-Spatial Local Gaussian Process Experts with Vision-Based Human Motion Tracking” in International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCST) Vol. 3, Issue 2, April  - June  2012.


International Conferences


  1. Attended the 8th International Conference on Advanced Logical Learning and Analytical Mining (ALLAM) in cognitive Science, held on 28th December 2024, organized by IBCB, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
  2. Presented a  paper, Attended an International Conference on Sustainable Development: Generative AI and Muti-disciplinary Strategies, held on 22nd -23rd December 2024 at Sri Padmavathi School of Pharmacy, SV University, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
  3. Chaired the Session at the 4th International Conference on Computer Vision, High-Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks (CHSN-2023),  Organized by JNTUK- Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
  4. Attended the 1st International Conference on Computing for Science, Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (CSEAi) 2023, Organized by California State University (CSUSB), USA, and Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology on 12-13 Dec 2023.
  5. Presented a Paper at the “International Conference on Artificial and Business Intelligence, Quantum and Machine Learning: Trends, Perspectives, and Prospects (CON-IT-CON 2023)” Organized by Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, Haryana on 14-15 July 2023.
  6. Attended a 2nd “International Conference on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (ICDSAI) 2023” Organized by California State University (CSUSB), USA, and Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology on 24-25 April 2023.
  7. Attended a 2-Day 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision, High-Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks (CHSN2022) Organized by JNTUK University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India, on 27-28 December 2022.
  8. Presented a Paper at a 2-Day 2nd International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing (ICCIC), Organized by Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India, on 27-28 December 2022.
  9. Attended a 2-Day International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Security and Communication (AISC) 2022” Organized by the IIIT, KOTA, and California State University (CSUSB), USA, on 25-26 November 2022.
  10. Presented a paper at the 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics (ICMLBDA) 2022” Organized by the Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, on  28-30 March 2022.
  11. Attended 2-Day International Conference on “ Innovative Mechanisms & Standards for Assuring Quality in HEIs” Organized by IQAC – KL University,  11- 12 March 2022.
  12. Presented a paper at the 7th International Conference on “Innovations in Big Data, Cyber Security, Bio-informatics & Bio-Technology(IBCB-2021)” Organized by Dept of CSE & Biotechnology, JNTUK University- Kakinada, EG. District, 28th December 2021.
  13. Attended 2-Day International Conference on “Computer Vision, High-Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks(CHSN-2021)” Organized by Dept of CSE, JNTUK- Kakinada, EG. District, 20th-21st August 2021.
  14. Attended 2-Day International Conference on “Computer Vision, High-Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks (CHSN-2020)” Organized by Dept of CSE, JNTUK- Kakinada, EG. District, 28th-29th December 2020.
  15. Attended and presented a paper at a 1- Day  6th International Conference on “Advanced Logical Learning and Advanced Mining (ALLAM)” in Cognitive Science organized by the Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (IBCB), Visakhapatnam on 28th Dec 2019.
  16. Presented a paper and attended a 2- Day 6th International Conference on “Information System Design and Intelligent Applications”, organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering And Technology, Visakhapatnam on 1st& 2nd Nov 2019.
  17. Attended a 2-Day International Conference on “Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence”, organized by the Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ibcb), Visakhapatnam on 28th & 29th Dec 2018.
  18. Attended a 2-Day International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Big Data Analytics organized by the Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ibcb), Visakhapatnam on 15th & 16th Dec 2017.
  19. Attended a 2-Day International Conference on “Cognitive Science and Health Bio-informatics” ORGANISED BY the Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ibcb), Visakhapatnam on 24th & 25th Dec 2016.
  20. Attended a 2-Day International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Soft Computing ORGANISED BY Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ibcb), Visakhapatnam on 19th & 20th Dec 2015.
  21. Attended a 3-Day International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Embedded Systems (AIRES-2k15), Organized by the Department of CS&SE, AUCE (A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 15th - 17th October 2015.
  22. Presented paper on designing and implementing an energy-efficient communication model for Wireless Sensor Network with Transmission Power  Self Optimization technique in A Two Day “International Conference on Recent Trends and Research Issues in Computer Science Engineering” ( ICRTRICSE-2k15) Visakhapatnam on 2 -3 MAY 2015.
  23. Attended an International Conference on Computational Intelligence: HEALTH & DISEASE ORGANISED BY Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ibcb), Visakhapatnam on 27th & 28th Dec 2014.

Membership in Professional Bodies :

  1. Member IEEE- 92927377.
  2. Reviewer: Acted as Reviewer for more than 15 Conferences( including IEEE conferences)
  3. Sessions Chair: Acted as Session chair for various international conferences.
  4. Editorial Board Member: International Journal For Multidimensional Research Perspective (IJMRP), membership id: 11017, from 25-10-2023.
  5. Steering Committee Member: 1st International Conference on Computing for Science, Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (CSEAi) 2023, Jointly organized by California State University and LIET.
  6. Technical Program Committee member- 4th International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP2022), Mar12-14,2022 Organized by NIT Raipur.
  7. Editorial Board Member- Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication.
  8. Editorial Board Member- Indian Journal of Computer Graphics and Multimedia. ISSN: 2582-8592.Lattice Science Publication.
  9. Editorial Board Member- International Journal of Research and Development in Engineering Sciences (IJRDES), ISSN: 2582- 4201 approved by NDL, HRD, Government of India,
  10. Reviewer – IAASSE funding conferences
  11. Member - International Association of Innovation Professionals (IAOIP).
  12. Associate Member - Institute of Engineers of India (IE) with Membership no: AM1632607.
  13. Member - International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong with Membership no: - 152960.
  14. Member- International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore. Membership no 80350421.
  15. Member - Internet Society with membership no: 739573.
  16. Member - Institute of Bio-informatics and Computational Biology (IBCB).
  17. Member – ACM-CSTA-New York.
  18. Member - The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications ( SDIWC)-Membership No- 19557.
  19. Reviewer – International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering &      Multidisciplinary Physical Science (IJIRMPS) with membership ID: 34.
  20. Member - International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES) with Membership ID: 2651.
  21. Member - International Economics Development and Research Center (IEDRC) Membership No:90081398.
  22. Member Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (theIRED), Membership NO: SNM2020102470

Publication of Books

Patents/Books/ Book Chapters(Patent – 5, Book-2, Book Chapters-2 ) -  9:

  1. Published a Book: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning–A Practitioner Approach published in First Edition, SHANLAX Publications, INDIA, ISBN:978-9394899-57-5.
  2. Publishing a Book:  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Student Era, ISBN: 978-81958996-4-7 ( Under Progress).
  3. Book Chapter: Dr. Satyanarayana Mummana, “Energy Enhanced Intelligent Secure Data Communication for Heterogeneous Networks”.(2023). Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: Theories and Applications. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 240. Springer, Cham.
  4. Book Chapter: Satyanarayana. Mummana, “Application of Intelligent Controllers in Speed Control of Synchronous Motor” (2023) Theory and Applications of Engineering Research Vol. 4, 19 January 2024, Page 22-57
Projects & Others

Patents(Patent – 5): 

  1. Title of the Patent: Intelligent Conversational AI System With Enhanced Natural Language Processing ( Application NO: 202341073633) Published Date: 15/12/2023
  2. Title of the Patent: A Machine Learning-based System for Predicting Individual’s Health Condition and Method thereof ( Application NO: 202341069366 A) Published Date: 24/11/2023
  3. Title of Patent: An Adjustable And Artificially Intelligent Configurable Teaching Assistant Robot ( Application No. TEMP/E-118178/2022-CHE ).
  4. Title of Patent: Smart Self Adjusting Toilet Seat (Application No.202041050780 A) Publication Date: 04/12/2020.
  5. Title of Patent: Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network With Optimized Clustering And Compressive Sampling ( Australian Patent - Under Review Application Number- 2021103446, Filing Date-18/06/2021(Australia).